Donald Marshall Has Done it Again (Sigh)

Donald Marshall has done it again. After a long, mostly un-eventful stab at online interaction, Donald Marshall has flaked again.


My name is Sunny Rosario and I am the host of my own show, Yellow Brick Radio.

If you missed it, here is my response to the Steemit Blogger who hosted the recent (very cool) Donald Marshall journalism contest. After comment, I give you my 60-second conclusion to the very important question

WHY should we continue to support Donald Marshall when flakes, trolls a little too hard or severely disappoints the thousands of good people who work very hard to help him out?

You might be very surprised at my final thoughts on the matter.

Check out my Steemit reply to Fulltimegeek right here:

/sunnyofoz (43) · 7 minutes ago
“I am a 100% DM supporter and friend of this movement. I am going to say something which is difficult to say but I hope my words inspire someone to come up with a SOLUTION. Donald, frankly, is kind of known for bad behaviour. NO SHADE! Generational satanic families are known for violent, mind-bending abuse. In fact, they are very proud of their programming philosophies and show them off at every opportunity. They show it off along with all of their other regalia.

There is really very little difference between this type of abuse and the type of abuse which he experiences at the cloning center. They all stem from the same people and the same causes. It is my opinion that you virtually never get over certain types of abuse. Despite how well you may function, there are always parts of you which you can’t totally face. I speak from a place of experience rather than judgement.

Without sharing online TMI, there are things from my past which challenge me every single day, too. Some of them make me stronger, some of them cause me to avoid and some of them cause me to hide in the corner under a blanket and bawl like a little ole baby. You get up and you dust yourself off. You keep MF going.

I wish someone would write an article about why Donald does things like he did here. I feel badly for FTG who has hyped this contest for over a week and now has to present the award standing on his own. IMHO, this is very typical DM behaviour. Sometimes he is sweet as pie and acts a lot like a charming young boy. Sometimes he behaves like an old grouchy drunk. It is not for me to judge DM, but I see a pattern. (I have followed DM, the actual person, very closely for several years now.) I hope someone with an abundance of writing talent will come up with a piece that explains his erratic behavior (without being an apologist) and is also able to explain why people should continue to support an effort which Donald seems to have, at times, himself abandoned.

In this video, Donald has the soft, patient energy I can most relate to.

Screen Shot 2018-04-21 at 6.35.32 AM.png

If I had a cross to bear, I would be truly honored to have FTG on my side. I guess if I zoom out I can tell myself that people like FTG (and the thousands of others who have sincerely tried to help DM personally) are actually friends of ALL of the cloning center victims.

Maybe I just came up with my answer. To support Donald, even when he is acting like a poop or a troll or a poopy troll, is to support victims all over the planet. Thanks, FTG, for all of the passion and the effort which you have poured into this v cool contest! You even came out looking like a good guy and a champ when DM let you down. I LOVE the little graphic you came up with and I LOVE the cute little strikethru outline you decided on. You are a true creative professional!”

There you have it. While writing that comment I decided that to continue to support Donald in some ways shows that we also BELIEVE the stories of all of the other victims who have come out of the shadows in recent years. At times when I cannot bring myself to forgive Donald Marshall (again) for his sometimes-crappy behavior, I can focus my energy on supporting other people.

I think in the end that truly is what Donald wants. I believe him when he said he is resigned to die. I believe him when he says he is doing this for the benefit of all humanity. I hope that he can one day overcome those glitches that cause him to shut down and back away. If he wants to.

If Donald Marshall is already too old and set in his ways, I guess we can continue to count on him as a grouchy old impetus for change.

If at the end of all of this he rips off his chicken-skin mask and it’s really just the Queen of England under there, we will know why he was grumpy and ill-suited toward socializing in groups. Whether he’s a LARP, QE in a chicken mask or just plain old crazy Donald Marshall, we are stuck with him and we have to keep going and follow this thing all the way to the end of this very twisted yellow brick road.

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