Donald Marshall: Atlantis- Pleiadians- Annunaki- Vril & Mankind

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One of the problems inherent in an inquiry of this sort is working within the confines of accepted science and history. This is especially true of paleontology and archeology where these disciplines and history work off one another. In this case they are restrictions putting roadblocks in place to create misdirected research. For example, it is widely accepted that Atlantis existed somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean yet no evidence has been found to confirm it. That, however, hasn't diminished the consensus within the scientific community of its existence, only man's inability to find it. Why can't the same latitude be applied to the rest of these unproven theories? After all, the only arguments about Atlantis seem to be temporal... when Atlantis met its demise and exactly where it was. Applying the same open-minded perspective to the rest of the theories may bring us closer to making sense rather than ridiculing what not only Donald, but others have claimed.

Science attempts to tell us the age of the Universe, the Solar System and Earth itself. Although these are only educated guesses, well give the scientific community the benefit of the doubt and go with their 4.5 billion years (for Earth).That would provide plenty of time for advanced beings from elsewhere to come and set up civilizations... several times in fact. Sumerian historical tablets put the first known civilization at about 2500 BC. But what of Atlantis- how long before Sumer was Atlantis. We don't know. What we do know is if we subtract 4500 from 4.5 billion it leaves a LOT of time unaccounted for. During my research into Donald's revelations certain things began falling into place, but to understand them in any manageable context, we have to think way outside of the box.

Among Donald's many contributions, two fundamentals stand out as far as an historical timeline is concerned: First, the Vril predate the dinosaurs- this broadens the timeline considerably. After all the Vril are parasitic by nature and require human hosts. If they were contemporaries of the dinosaurs, then so too were hominids of some sort at least. The second is that the Vril are sentient- able to think, plan and carry out complicated functions. How the Vril got here is unimportant in the grand scheme of things. Donald believes that they are indigenous to the planet and that works. What is important is that there's been sentient life on Earth for much longer than scientists believe (or are willing to admit).


Plato was the best known person to have written about Atlantis, getting his information from oral tradition. Things would have been much easier for researchers if he had pinpointed a time as well as an exact location. In my search for information a group of extraterrestrials called Pleiadians keeps popping up. These beings are said to resemble people of Nordic descent with blonde hair and blue eyes. Many researchers place their arrival after that of the reptilians, come as protectors of mankind. However, There's a competing theory that they came as far back as hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions. One theory is that they came before Earth developed an oxygen-rich atmosphere.

Going with Donald's theory that the Vril are indigenous, I'm of an opinion that it was the Pleiadians who arrived first establishing Atlantis as their home base. This civilization was so advanced that they possessed technology that far surpasses everything currently known to man. One other element: The Pleiadians did NOT do any genetic manipulation experiments on species they found here on Earth.

It is widely accepted that Atlantis was destroyed by war. I believe that this war heralded the appearance of the reptilian Annunaki of Sumerian lore. The Atlantean civilization was likely destroyed by directed energy weapons, but not all of the Pleiadians were wiped out- small pockets of them survived. This was a part of a war that has been going on intergalactically for millennia. This is what the Bible describes as the war raging in the heavens.

It was the Annunaki, who won the war on Earth, that began the genetic manipulation of species in order to create humanoids for a slave race. The Annunaki presented themselves as gods to their creations. This means that there are three original human bloodlines- Pleiadian, Annunaki (reptilian) and the genetically manipulated hybrids.

This race of slaves, according to Sumerian texts, were created for use in the mines to gather gold from underground. At some point the Vril were likely encountered and being similar to the Annunaki "gods" they were brought to their attention. Being similar species an alliance naturally occurred. When the Annunaki departed they passed their cloning technology on to the Vril- the type three to be precise. It is the Vril that are the Annunaki representatives and they are who are contacted as go betweens when they return. This also explains the relationship between the Illuminati/reptilians and the Vril that Donald describes in so much detail. The Vril act as sort of managers and profit by the access to humans that the Illuminati provide.

Donald's is the story on one man who has suffered at the hands of these beings. In the course of my research I've seen videos by people who claim to have seen him at the cloning centers. I'm skeptical of these guys, but I will say this... I've lived most of my life on the streets and I'm a pretty good judge of character- it's what's kept alive all these years. Donald is for real- he's sincere.


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