clones in our society, the vrill exists in case you don't believe

Donald Marshall who is also a clone himself did tell us about the way he found himself in a cloning center which was believed to be run by the world famous Queen herself, Queen Elizabeth. according to Donald martial, as the time he was born his family were living in the cloning center then.

image sourcegoogle

When Donald Marshall started to talk about most of the things he mentioned in his confession and this is because he was an insider in the vrill society which we all know as the illuminati today. so I think he has a first hand information. Most of the things he talked about has happened before and even the ones that will happen in the future because the work of the vrill are depicted in different ways unknown to us. The methods they use to sideline people to get them and also to torture them are psychological. When they torture people, they tend to mend the psychology of such people and as such when a person is psychologically manipulated, it affects their whole being and the people around them as well.

Mind control techniques

The mind plays a great role in controlling the world and if you can control the mind of people you can get them to dance to your tune and as such all they're and all they can be you can also tell. I am sure that Donald Marshall must be fully aware of everything he is talked about and knows the consequences of exposing such content to the world at large.

When they do this, they know that they don't like exposures because exposing them would bring a third party which will disrupt their operations. Most people do not believe most of the things Donald Marshal was talking about because to the sane mind, these things are not true and don't exist. But the truth is, there are a lot of evidences that they really do exist if only we can take a deep look around the world and what is happening today, the global scene and the events happening we will suddenly realize that most of the people we idolize are much more involved in such evil act. I wonder what we would do about it because this organizations are the most dangerous in the world today.

A sure way to stop a bad habit is to expose it no wonder Catholics go for confession. The Island as it also depicts what is going on around us especially the underworld as it relates to clones, we can see that even as at 2005 when this movie was produced, it was produced by one of hollywood producer Michael Bay. It's a science fiction thriller movie which was an eye opener. Most times when we watch these movies, to us they're just mere movies that are meant for entertainment but we really don't know that so many things happened behind closed doors as regards these movies just like a glimpse of what happens behind closed doors in our world without us knowing.

This clones are used as sources for harvesting various human organs. These organs are usually vital organs in the body which is the main reason these people patronize these clones factories. These clone factories are where the so called powerful people in the society today for example the wealthy people world leaders, politicians, celebrities etc. do go such places to buy such organs in order to enhance their lives. These organs are very expensive and as such only them can afford it. I hope you know those who are wealthy in the society?

These clones are also used as a reliable source of surrogates for this same people. The babies are sold also to the wealthy people for many things. Some of these babies grow up to be molested sexually and even abused physically and all these harm done to them affect their psychology. The wealthy people use them the way they want after all they paid heavily to get them and that makes them a puppet or toys in the hands of these wealthy people.

All these things are illegal and that is why most of these cloning operation and their facilities are top secrets and highly classified. Top secrete in the sense that they can go as far a;

  • killing people in order to protect the identities of these people who patronize them
  • secure the location of such factories no matter where they're located in the world
  • They make their location off grids of which most times they're underground facilities in places you can never imagine they can be.
  • And all these are because they are highly protected. It's a one way in and a one way out and you don't dare go unless they take you in and like wise you don't dare go out unless they take you out and as such it's a death trap. The scientists who carry out these operations are highly skilled and as such they do the job knowing that their lives depends on the job.
    donald marshall blre the whistle,lets join too
    to read more about donald marshall, check @fulltimegeek blog here on steemit
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