Brain Chip Implants

In Donald Marshall's interview with Vinny Eastwood, he talks about brain chips being implanted into people. DM talks about the fear of death the dark controllers, elite and rich have, and their desire to live beyond their natural lifespan through technological means.

A bunch of billionaires were scared about dying. They said they were so rich that could make people die, they could start wars, they can do anything in the material world but once they die they can't even take it with them, they are just dead, right? So a bunch of billionaires got together and said "we don't want to die, we got to figure out how to live again as clones", right?

Clone Minds are Flawed

He goes on to to explain that a clone itself isn't enough to extend life. The clone body is a negative copy of the person, not a full copy. It's not like the full living person, but a flawed copy. That means the mind isn't fully the original mind, the self isn't fully the original self.

To resolve this problem, and extend their life and consciousness, DM says "they devised a way, I don't know how", to transfer their consciousness into a technological chip.


Donald goes on to say the chip used to be big, like a circuit board, about the size of a CD/DVD. He says he was shown this first model in use on video, as it was being tested on a Chinese farmer. The large chip was sticking out of the farmer's head. Donald mentions the farmer was just used for the trial and sent back home without being compensated in any way.

But the technology was refined, says Donald. It's been "whittled" down as he says, to the size of an apple seed. This small chip can hold "your mental stuff", everything you are, i.e. a copy of your self, what makes you you. It might not be consciouses itself though.

Body Snatching

Donald says this technology and copy of self is still flawed, but not as flawed as a simple clone duplicate or replicant. The chip still needs a host though, which indicates it would not be a pure stable consciousness in itself, but need the body that produces consciousness to work through.


Donald says the chips can be put in clones, and that makes the duplication of your self less flawed than the clone itself. Apparently doing it with a clone means there are still "side effects" due to using a clone brain. Clones are unreliable on their own, and need to be babysat, as they can do whacked out things like hit people or start fires.

But there is a better process, and that is to "body snatch" someone else's body for the "mental stuff" to get hosted within:

... rich people can put their stuff on a microchip and set this into somebody's head and basically body snatch them that way as well... So they basically body snatch people with chips in the head.


This way rich people can go on to live beyond their natural years by transferring their mind and taking over the bodies of others. What happens to the original person who existed in that body and brain? They are dead. The new "mental stuff" overrides the former. So although the body of the original person lives on, that person as a person doesn't anymore. They have been body snatched and taken over.

Immortal Rich

Altered Carbon is a fictional series from earlier this year that mirrors what Donald Marshall says fairly well. Donald Marshall talk about rich people living beyond their years, and so too does his happen in Altered Carbon, where the ultra-rich are called "Meths", named after Methuselah of the Bible for being the oldest character, living over 900 years. They buy their way into immortality with perfect clones that regular people can't afford.

The richest of the rich live above the regular worlders, living in the sky like gods among men, doing as they please and getting away with anything. Seems similar to the mentality of some ultra-rich we have now...

Altered Carbon (2018)

Copying Minds

They can buy clone bodies that allow them to replicate their self into new bodies as they wish. The self is stored in cortical stacks as they are called, and implanted at the back of the neck:

Altered Carbon (2018)

This can allow people to transfer themselves to different bodies.

Taking Over Other People's Bodies

But you're can only afford to transfer yourself to a different body if you're not ultra-rich to afford a perfect clone. In this way, you take over the body of another person, just like a "body snatching" as Donald describes. Where once someone else was inside a body, now a different person is inside the body, but it's the same self/mind.

Altered Carbon (2018)

Regular people can only transfer to new bodies so often, as after a while the stack of your self/mind can't handle it and goes crazy, or "whack" as Donald Marshall likes to call it.

The world of fiction come up with some interesting and scary ideas, and accounts of what may be real in the world are just as interesting and frightening. If what Donald Marshall says is true, there is some heavy-duty technology being used by some people to live unnatural lifespans and do terrible things to others.

Brain Chip Implants in the Mainstream

Even if what Donald Marshall says is unverifiable or not true, brain chips do currently exist. They are also called neural implants. They are attached on the surface of the brain, on the outside of the neocortex, or they go inside of the cortex. Current development focuses on acting as a prosthesis. Like a missing leg can be replaced with technology, the are trying to replace missing or dysfunctional capacities of the brain or body that are often the result of head injuries.

Brain-computer interfaces are already in use for assisting or augmenting sensory functions, like vision, hearing or motor functions. Some brain-interfaces can send commands to a computer when a disabled person is unable to use their hands.

Who knows what the future holds for mainstream adoption of brain chip implanting technology. Imagine being hooked up to the Internet at anytime, whenever you want. Maybe the tech will develop where it can make the body move when the brain can't do it alone. The danger with signals going both ways is that your body can potentially be controlled by a hacker. There is a lot to think about regarding these potential future developments. The story Donald Marshall recounts may be real or not, but it may also be a potential future as the technology is admittedly being developed in the mainstream.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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