The Vril Don't Get It: We Do... to a point!

There's a passage from a previous post I want you to look at, because this article is going to tackle one if the things mentioned by it.

Here you go:

So, the birds that stood at the top of the food chain along with the Vril in ancient times... who were they?

This is the blog post that will go over it.

To put it simply, they were the Annunaki, the only breed of aliens we know were benevolent and ones that unfortunately aren't with us any more.

That's right, the other alien races people suspect exist are all "evil" to us. Some aren't even evil in nature but treat us like cattle and, well, sub-human.

Now, Vril aren't aliens, we know that by now... but are they connected to Alien races?

Yes they are... they knew a race, they knew the Annunaki... and we did too!

The Annunaki: Who Were They?

The Annunaki was a super-advanced alien race that had both mammal and bird traits.

Much like Vril seem to have some mammal genes being a hybrid of 80% Reptilian - 20% Mammal, Annunaki were about 50% Mammal - 50% Bird.

But, how do we know this?

Well, the thing is the Annunaki were so advanced they knew they were going to leave us (and the cause will be disclosed further down the article) so they made sure they could leave a lot of evidence of their existece.

Let us look at some of it:

Here's one of the Annunaki depicted with two objects that are very present on their depictions. One of the object looks like a wristwatch, a smartwatch or some kind of technological device, but the MOST interesting one is the Pinecone!

Why the Pinecone?

The Pinecone represents the Pineal gland (hence the name Pineal Gland, it resembles a Pine). But what is the Pineal Gland?

The Pineal Gland is what Spiritual People call the THIRD EYE!

Non-spiritual people and even scientists throughout the world say it is the core of our spiritual selves, an organ we don't fully understand but has a lot of hidden potential.

The Pinecone, the pineal gland, had a centerpiece role in why the Annunaki disappeared, but first let me give you some more context:

The Hindu Depiction - Garuda

**The Ancient Egyptian Depiction - Horus

**The Native American Depiction - Thunderbird

The are countless other references, like the Mayan, Aztecs, Norse and Greek Gods who share the traits of being highly spiritual "Bird-Men".

Now, why did this amazingly advanced and spiritual race disappear without a trace?

The Precursors: Transcending Mortality

As I was saying, research points out that the Annunaki were the most advanced race we ever learned about, and that their dominion of this galaxy was vast.

Their technology had gone through a different branch than ours, as it had much more to do with the subtle things from vibrations, to magnetism and spirituality, rather than material things like we are focused on.

In a sense, Humanity is the middle grounds between the carnal Vrill and the spiritual Annunaki.

You see, Vrill don't even have a pinneal gland, but we do have one even though we didn't unlock it's power yet.

On the other hand, the Precursors, the Annunaki, did unlock its power.

With their countless advances, my research pointed out they vanished without a trace, and they vanished en masse!

Where did they go?

Well, my research can't point out what was the case, but some scholars point out a theory may be the answer - and I agree with this theory they propose.

They propose that the Annunaki finally transcended mortality and became fully spiritual beings, ascending to the 5th dimension!

They left us behind, but we can ascend as well if we learn to activate the Pineal Gland within us.

On the other hand, the Carnal Vril through years upon years of evolution lost the little organ that would evolve to be the Pinneal gland due to their highly materialistic nature, and never had one.

They can never ascend, but we can... if we stop being so damn materialistic, and stop FORGETTING that reality is just an illusion.

The Vril Don't Get It: We Do... to a point!

Reality is just an illusion, materialistic things aren't everything, we can't take them with us when we depart this "reality"... but spirituality is shown to influence reality itself.


There are researches done by mainstream and highly prestigious scholars that point out people who pray for their recovery after a disease or a trauma are more likely to survive it.

Read it again:


On another study that I connect to this one, highly reputed researchers point out that when praying we activate the Pinneal Glad.

Do you need me to draw the conclusion or will you do it yourself?

We have a lot of power within us, but we have to tap into the spiritual forces around and within us to unlock it.

We have to STOP OBSESSING ABOUT MATERIAL TECHNOLOGY DEVELOPMENTS and try to advance spiritual technology a little bit more.

THERE IS PROOF spirituality helps... why aren't we researching it more heavilly?

Because of our materialistic bias, and the NWO intends to keep us that way.

Here's the Kicker: The NWO and the VRILL Don't Want Us to Ascend!

They dominate everything here, they are into the physical, the CARNAL, the materialistic, and the hierarchical society.

They have no interest in us ascending past this dimension... they are glad if we forget about spirituality in its whole.


Pursue spirituality and encourage it in others...

It is proven to work, and in my oppinion we have one choice... follow the Annunaki or rot here with the Vril.

What do you chose?

Stay safe, and watchful!

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