Phantom Islands: More Missing Islands!

If you still didn't read my post about Sandy Island, then you definitely need to do so because a whole island going missing at PRESENT days is quite a big thing.

If you already read that, then know this post will expand on what was talked about during the last piece by letting you know of other "Phantom Islands", or other islands that existed at times and stopped existing anywhere during our history.

And no, this does not included islands that simply vanished because of rising sea levels, volcanic activities and the likes, these are islands that mysteriously vanished and no one is the wiser.

If this piques your interest, read the article below.

Phantom Islands List: Discovered and "Undiscovered"

Here is a table with some really interesting Phantom Islands and their discovery and "undiscovery" dates.

These are not all of the Phantom Islands, just some I consider you should research:

NameDate DiscoveredDate Vanished
Aurora Islands17621870
Saint Brendan's Island14921848
Buss Island15781818
Emerald Island18211988
Fata Morgana Land19071938
Filippo Reef1926Experts Still Looking for It
Ganges Islands18801933
Los Jardines15281973

It's cool that many of these islands went missing in the present day or that there's even one where people are still looking for it.

This means it's not just something of antiquity, but that any land mass is prone to go missing...

...the reason being unknown.

What's the Cause?

Again, what's the cause for this phenomenon?

Each of these islands have been researched and found not to be sunken or obliterated - they just vanished without a trace.

Were they even there in the first place?

Well, most of this islands have been sighted countless times throughout the years, and even visited... so they did exist.

Perhaps the sailors would sometimes venture off into other dimensions, perhaps the world did change with the LHC, perhaps the islands only appear every set of years?

This is a passionate topic to research as it really will have you thinking.

I'd love to have your opinion on this, since I had no participation on my last post.

Leave me your comments down below.

In Conclusion:

I'd like to conclude by enticing you to research some of the islands I shared with you above, or even check Wikipedia's extensive list of Phantom Islands though it doesn't share much about each one it can point you out on more islands to research about.

This is a huge rabbit hole, so make sure you follow the white rabbit down into it.


Stay safe, and watchful!

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