Nostradamus Predicted the Storm Before the Calm:

So, if you read yesterday's post, you knew this post was coming.

If you didn't read yesterday's post, I advise you to do it, but I'll also leave this part here so you can have some context on what I'm going to talk about:

Even the most skeptic of them all knows and respects the name of Nostradamus. He was an enlightened soul that made countless predictions.

He accuratly predicted events as close to him as the next day, or even thousands of years into the future.

Nostradamus makes a HUGE prediction for the days we live in... he claims:

There will be a war like none other;
The opponents are already among us;
The war will start off with the righteous side losing heavily;
Thousands will die, white towers will fall;
The righteous will emerge victorious.
After this war he also predicts something else:

The Age of Aquarius.
An age in which humanity will prosper and be peaceful like NEVER before... and he does mean this even by the standard of the time!
Mankind will prosper, thrive, develop scientifically, spiritually and above all peacefully.
The definition of Golden Age will be upon us!

I'm going to write about this prophecy tomorrow in more detail if you feel like delving in this topic, but for now I find that this is important to say RIGHT NOW... because it shows the end is near.

Not for us... for them!

Having said this, Nostradamus' visions were interpreted as something else. The scholars and researchers point out that the predictions show a Holy War between Christian and Muslim countries...

...But I'll show you why that isn't the case.

The War Against the NWO or the Holy Christian-Muslim War? Let's Compare Them:

Let's analyze the major predictions that Nostradamus made and that point out towards a BIG GLOBAL WAR before the age of prosperity and peace mankind will reach after it is over.

Let's also analyze the difference between what Mainstream Researchers say about them, and what I say based on my perception of the world.

Prediction: "They Are Already Among Us"

Mainstream Answer:

Nostradamus refers to radicals and their sleeper cells and agents that infiltrated the masses in order to "wake up" when it's time for the war.

They will then use the very effective military guerrila tactic of striking from within.

My Answer

They are already among us? Of course they are... do you want a clearer evidence that we're talking about #HumanCloning, #Drones and puppets acting within our society?

Why control through violence when you can control via much more effective methods?

Prediction: The Righteous Side Will Begin Losing

Mainstream Answer

Nostradamus was an European and a Christian, so researchers point out he refers the "Righteous Side" as being the Christians.

They point out that due to the sheer numbers advantage of the Muslim countries' population and the demilitarization of many NATO members the beggining of the conflict would heavilly fall to the Muslim side.

My Answer

Make no mistakes, Nostradamus was an inclusive individual who accepted people many would call heretics. He wouldn't describe the Christians as the righteous or take sides like that.

He actually meant the war would be Good Vs. Evil... and seeing as one side REALLY DOES EAT LITTLE CHILDREN, it is easy to see who's who.

Plus, with their influence, power and connections, it's easy to see the evil side winning at first.

Prediction: White Towers Will Fall:

Mainstream Answer

This is maybe one of the most subjective predictions of all. There are some divergences when it comes to this one.

Some claim that the Towers falling was 9/11, while others say that due to it being a holy war the white towers falling are the religious centerpieces of the world.

My Answer

White Towers will fall...

The UK and the USA have a huge global importance for the New World Order, and they both have "White Towers". In London, the Tower of London is called the White Tower.

In the USA, they have the White House.

Even if these aren't the buildings... the White Towers represent the center of the establishment.

The elite's den.

Prediction: In One Side, The Black and White Will Argue

Mainstream Answer

There's splintering in one side... and the scholars point out that the black and white are the Suni and Shia Muslims.

They say that one of the turning point of the wars is when these two factions diverge as to how to conduct things, opening up some space for the western world to recover some lost ground.

My Answer

The mainstream public, when shit hits the fan, is really a solid mass.

The factions splintering will happen on the NWO guys' end.

There are two ways this can happen.

First, it can be the Vrill vs The Human Elite... Black would be the underground creatures and white the elite behind the White Towers.

On the other hand, a theory which I share is that there are two factions of Vrill, and one of them is relatively benign and doesn't need to torment us humans. They would fall out and maybe even help us as they are invested in humanity (maybe through good motives or just because as long as we exist they feel like they'll have a source of pain and sorrow to feed from).

Who Will Win? The Prediction Doesn't End There!


After this global war, the prediction says Humanity will enjoy a period of peace and prosperity people would never dream off... a golden age!

So, the prophecy doesn't really tell who wins the fight, but the only way Humanity can enjoy peace and prosperity, this golden age, is if we break free of the chains of slavery that have been holding us since nearly the dawn of times.

We would finally awaken to the fact there's more to life than earthly matters, and begin our ascencion.

Are you ready?

Stay safe, and watchful!

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