Illuminati: Who Are They Really? And Where Is Donald Marshall?

Image Source - Pixabay

The Illuminati

While starting more in-depth research into the Illuminati over the weekend, I visited one of my go-to pages.. The facts in this article are ones I already knew about; New World Order, one currency, one government to abide by, the possible elimination of religions and unifying only one religion and so much more. These are what I consider basic (and known) speculation. NOTICE I didn't say known facts

After reading all the information on Facts Are Facts website linked above, you may be thinking... are those 21 Illuminati facts true? Are they real? And who would know if they are facts; or just more outsider conspiracy theories. Because who really knows what the Illuminati's plans are? Someone who is a sworn-in member? Someone who has had first-hand experience with the members?

For centuries the Illuminati has been reared as one of the most taciturn group of people. Secrets abound. Well known elites, politicians and stars have been assumed associated with the group. But are these the same stars that we read about rumored to be cloned? Hmm, some appear to be.

I was hoping this website would give me some new, undiscovered, insight as to what I wanted to talk about this week. But it really hasn't... the only thought that keeps popping into my head is that Donald Marshall claims to be a human clone created by the Illuminati.

Donald Marshall

In my travels on steemit, I came across more and more posts being made with the tag #donaldmarshall (which I will referring to as DM from here on out). Have you noticed that too?

One that really caught my attention was by @sunnyofoz's post Donald Marshall Has Done it Again talking about the way DM seems to be almost avoiding notoriety, notice and being acknowledged online. This is definitely a question I'd love to get and answer to.

Which was evident when @fulltimegeek had announced he would be picking two finalists and DM would be picking the, for lack of a better word, first place finalist to write posts five days a week regarding DM, Vril, the Illuminati and human cloning. But DM couldn't be found to pick his choice. I'm not even sure if he read all the entries; which were superb mind you.

Which brings a thought of why? What happened to DM? Where is he?

You almost have to ask why is that?

I have sent Donald Marshall two messages on Twitter, replied to his tweet yesterday saying Good Morning with an image of a cup of coffee and even when to a website called Donald Marshall Revolution. First off I want to say, I still ahve not heard from him via twitter. And secondly every page and every tab on the website is identical with a message stating RETURNING 2018

I even sent an email to the DM Revolution website's contact email. It came back as a mail-daemon. The email stated "
Message not delivered
Your message couldn't be delivered to because the remote server is misconfigured. See technical details below for more information."

So does DM even run this website?

Image Source- Pixabay

The BBC website stated this back in November of 2016.

Donald Marshall. As he revealed in 2011, Marshall is a normal guy (who happens to also be a clone) who found himself in a cloning station, run by none other than Queen Elizabeth. Obviously. In essence he wants to educate the world about this clandestine celebrity cloning operation, which is run by the Illuminati

So, Donald has inside information and knowledge of what really happens within the Illuminati. He lived it. He survived it. He has books on Amazon describing it. We need him to speak. I want him to email me back, tweet to me... acknowledge my inquiries.

Possible reasons DM is not around:

  • Fear
  • Reticent
  • Unable to communicate not of his own doing
  • Feeling people will ridicule him (call him a hoax, etc)
  • Unable to communicate due to technology issues

After spending the weekend researching more about DM's connection to the Illuminati,I have more questions now than answers.

Other Interesting Donald Marshall Posts


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