Cloning, Donald Marshall and The Illuminati: Who Is Really Who They Say They Are

Dolly The Sheep & Baby Eve


If she had survived, Dolly The Sheep- the first cloned mammal in the world, would have turned twenty-two this July. But alas, she was euthanized back in February 2003.

Back in 2002, baby Eve, known as the third cloned human was born at an undisclosed location outside the United States; and not without skepticism among the medical world as well as the general public. So much so, that within a year medical professionals at Clonaid practically denied she ever existed.

Which brings us to a self-professed human clone: #donaldmarshall.

Donald Marshall


Who is Donald Marshall?

He is man who claims to be a clone; thanks to the Freemasons, Scientologists and the Vril Society; which he claims is the Illuminati.

See his confession here from back in 2011. This is only part one of his statement and part two is also available to read online.

After reading this statement, the torture inflicted upon him, the treatment he suffered and the people involved made me cringe, start to fill with hatred and the need to seek malice upon those who hurt him. How they (the Illuminati) were able to take this man, well, boy at the time, and turn him into what they wanted him to be; whether a slave, minion or servant to their sometimes deranged needs and wants is despicable. This man, genetically created person or carbon copy of a human being does not, under any humanly rights deserve to have suffered this pain, shame or agony.

Marshall's claim is that he is a clone, a creation of the Illuminati and shares deep secrets about some of the elites of the world. From Queen Elizabeth to Mila Kunis and others; Marshall shares some stories of torture.

You can go all over the internet and read stories, blog posts and articles about celebrities who allegedly passed away, but have had a clone replace to the world as said celebrity. Some examples in the quick search include Avril Lavigne, Miley Cyrus and Beyonce.

So why are these famous celebrities, politicians and elitists looking to clone people. What is to be gained? How do they have the means to do such a medical and technological phenomenon.

NOTE A twitter message was sent to Donald Marshall explaining the purpose and requesting quotes from him; but as of posting time, no response or comment was received from him.


The secret society known as the Illuminati has been rumor to be involved in many mysterious historical events. Conspiracy theorists seem to immediately draw conclusions of the society's involvement in happenings such as the assassination of President John F Kennedy, the 9/11 attacks on US soil, faking the moon landing and wanting to rule the New World Order.

What is the connections between the Illuminati, Skulls & Bones, the Freemasons, the Bohemian Grove and Bilderberg Group. All five of these secret society are said to have some of the wealthiest, most influential people in the world and are said to be seeking a globalist agenda.

Think about it... if these secret societies were able to diminish the population that didn't agree or adhere to their (the socieities) beliefs, all it would take is the ability to clone them into who they wanted, for whatever reason was needed and as personal slaves, servants and menial workers.

Think about the movie The Stepford Wives. An entire city, neighborhood of submissive and subservient wives catering to every whim of the men's need, wants and desires. NO arguments. NO disagreements. The only difference between these Stepford women and cloning, is that they were android-technology directed. They had no feelings or emotions. Just smiles to share and desires that they needed to fill for others.

But clones, someone like Donald Marshall, has feelings. He has emotions. He feels pain.

So how can we help Marshall? How can he be free? How can people help expose the Illuminati and their cohorts and other secret societies from turning our democracies into the New World Order?

Let the investigation begin...

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