How Illuminati Reach the Goal #donaldmarshall #fulltimegeek


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In today's discussion I came across an amazing topic that my good friend @rifki-fiqi expressed, he revealed there was a campaign that really made some of us stunned to know the facts expressed in it. This topic is about #donaldmarshall initiated by @fulltimegeek.

After the discussion ended I started to look deeper into this campaign and decided to take part in it because I think it is very important to help all the people to avoid what Donald Marshall experienced. in the deepening that I found there is a site that I think this is a very complete explanation of Donald Marshall and here are the facts:


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As my first contribution in this campaign, I want to give 10 ways how illuminati reach the goal, below is the review.

Below are some of the main ways that the Illuminati do to achieve their goals, but do not be mistaken, a rose for a rose, assuming everything comes from them.

1. Harrasment or Disturbance:


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When confronted with opposition, the Elitists first attempt to overcome it by "bribing" outsiders. If they do not succeed, they use discriminating ways and then disturb them in extreme forms through ongoing telephone calls, tapping or tracking or following and following them, accusing them of negativity, belittling and exposing their secrets, spying on life and plans, the plan. Irritated, charged with fraudulent crimes, vividly recording personal life and work, are all Illuminati tools to outrank their opponents and make them surrender and follow their goals. Making opponents and people who disagree with anger or insanity - paranoia - is one of their valuable work.

2. Population Control or Depopulation:

Creating food shortages, water pollution, lack of land, depletion of "green" is a maneuver to reduce 2/3 of the world's current population. amounts to 6 billion, of course they are in their own way, saving themselves, while allowing death and horror or horror to strike against 4 billion other humans. Subtle ways to end our existence include abortion (Planned Parent is a major mistake), genetic engineering (Cloning allows engineers to create large numbers of soldiers equipped with strong muscles, superior tactile, strong killing skills, or more much more to replace human roles, also introduce chimeras (human / animal hybrid forms), and angelic lifebloods (separating hospitals, clinics - people - from elderly and elderly people weighing down) Euthanasia (a cure for death in peace) is wrong a form of depopulation, as a crucial surgical procedure.

3. Pollution:


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Whatever the form, poisoning will kill a large number of residents, and to do this can be targeted. Elites can contaminate our water supply and food sources (food genetic modification is an exemplary example), and deprive our country (the land is filled with bacteria, oil and other poison spills).

4. Detention Barracks:

Established barracks of detention until the cessation or enslavement of the community, they believe that the enslaved will serve as powerful and vital slaves. Whether factual or not, we even believe that they exist and put us in a state of fear and anger. Underlying knowledge like the Gulags, it is a simple fact that the American people realize that a police state - the state police - or the Emergency Law of War is already on the door.

5. Moral Decay or Character Killing:


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Moral decay is still an important technique for achieving the ongoing New World Order with anti-Americanism, anti-patriotism and anti-traditionalism. Home education that teaches family values ​​is destroyed by aligning it with the brief contents of new education in government schools. Relative values ​​dominate the old values, which are family-oriented values ​​of what morality is, according to ethics as well as wrong and right laws. ("Anything if you feel right, do it, even if it's wrong")

6. Diversity:

Diversity refers to coercion against us to show tolerance, understanding and approval for values ​​we do not trust. "Political truth" is the driving force for this. Censorship and hate crime are also meaningful forcing against the changes we do not want

7. Racial riots:


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This is a method by which they are accustomed to creating conflict between races and between nations, such as their motto "Divide and conquer"

8. Eliminate God:

The Elites work hard to forbid us to make any references attributed to God or Christ and the holiness of Christianity in public, yet they promote idolatrous holidays, Wicca, black magic and practicing Satanism. A society without God and of spiritual values ​​- especially as we expect to be built on the basis of Christianity - is a doomed civilization, and one so easily surrenders to others. The denial of religion in our church, especially Catholicism, is a sign of the destruction that sneaks between us. Their goal is to regain the ancient religion, the Ancient Mysteries, by learning what they believe to be the advanced technology of the aliens and gods.

9. Ecumenism

Ecumenism is another parameter for a world-religion. Believing that Christ is not a Savior, or that other people or so-called "prophets" are the Savior's making Christianity defective. Some people believe that in New Ageism religion will be only one in the world, while others think that global warming - global warming made hymn. An aspect of the plan they seek as revelation from God based on the Revelation and Daniel books.

10. The Official Authority figure:


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Many parents and adults worry about young people today. Children like to shout, cry, mock, and often even physically abuse their parents or other elders. They are disrespectful and disrespectful. Much of this is attached to the mentally-meaning "It takes a village to raise a child", where children should be embraced, given the freedom of thought, and do what they want. Parents and authorities have been negligent in correcting the bad ahlak of children. The Elites encourage children to resist authority at home, and instead want them, without thinking to obey.

Those are the ways in which the illuminati work to achieve their goals but do not judge this as an absolute fact because it is only an opinion that can be wrong, we can not find anything definite without experiencing it ourselves but it is made using learned experience from various other articles as a reference.


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