Donald Marshall - Interview of Former State Officials & Ex Illuminati Members About the Illuminati


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It has been a long time illuminati curious citizens of the world. It is said, it is a secret group that supposedly controls the world and secretly builds what is called the New World Order. However, the information circulating about the illuminati is so far considered a myth, or part of a conspiracy theory. Until finally, a former top official from a major country acknowledged its existence.

Is the former Minister of Defense of Canada era 1960s, Paul Hellyer who revealed that illuminati is a real thing and its presence control the world. The statement made Hellyer the first high-ranking world official to speak openly about the illuminati.

To Lazarus Effect, Hellyer believes that the world's elites even have technology that can reverse the effects of climate change, but the tool is hidden from the public. Based on conspiracy theories, the world elite who joined in the illuminati come from diverse backgrounds, both politics, business, and entertainment.

According to Hellyer, many illuminati members have shares in the oil industry.

"There is a secret communion that runs the world and they succeed in making this technology wrapped up until they melt trillions of trillions of oil assets they have," Hellyer said.

"And that will not change until hundreds of thousands of people unite to force them to acknowledge, tell what is really happening, and change the priorities of the world for future generations rather than lead them to war," he explained.


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Hellyer has been known for making controversial claims. Previously, he once said that the United States intervened to take over the Canadian province of Manitoba, the scene of an accident allegedly involving aliens.

The 94-year-old man claims that aliens are a source of anti-climate change technology. He also said that in the eyes of aliens, man is a primitive life form and that aliens can help humans in the future.

"Certainly they are more advanced in agriculture and medicine and many other areas, if that's true why we are not working with them to build a better world?" says Hellyer.

Ex illuminati Interview : Leo Zagami


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For another example, a former illuminati member reveals the truth of all the scary and frightening secret plans that are, and will happen. this guy named Leo Zagami. Reportedly, Zagami is a descendant of the Illuminati family who finally embraced Islam last year. From here, he was determined to fight against the Illuminati.

Zagami reveals that as a member of the Illuminati family, he has had many experiences following frightening demonic ceremonies, black magic ceremonies (magic), mind control and torture in the closed Loji environment.

He is a former member of the Comittato Esecutivo Massonico - Masonic Executive Committee (MEC) of Monte Carlo. Before leaving MEC, Zagami entered inner circle, member of Freemasonry level 33, and as one of the leaders in the group of Loji devils P2 (Propaganda 2) Freemasonry.

He was also designated a "prince" prepared to take over the Illuminati leadership of the aged "king" Licio Gelli.

Zagami explained that now is the end of the age, and this is not kidding, he stressed. It was delivered on January 3, 2007 in an interview on its website.

Here is the description that Zagami revealed (can see in the video below):

"Keep in mind that there will be a cosmic position change on December 21, 2012, which means that it leaves us six years to prepare ourselves ... So, it should be prepared for each of us, then all of them rise up against the Illuminati and defend our rights in under the protection of God Almighty before the Illuminati take control and begin to persecute the believers."

"Prepare your weapons to defend your faith or we will be destroyed, this is a war against Satan, so, O earth, be aware, or you will awaken from nightmares in the morning of December 2012."

"Beginning in 2010 you begin to experience a massive change of atmosphere, but by 2012, you will see clearly the end of this civilization with our own eyes."

"There will be total NAZIFICATION of Western nations in 2010, previously a very bad economic condition that will affect everyone, then social tension will peak to an unprecedented level, and eventually become an internal conflict in 2012 , that is, your SERRY WARS. "

"Are you ready to die for God and with your religious beliefs to make positive changes to the world, or are you just a bunch of cowards who are under the power of demons, usually just talk with no real proof."

Zagami also mentions that the Illuminati powers are under the global central bank cartel, which is headed by Rothschild. They exercise control by means of members of the Freemasons, Zionists, Jesuits, Vaticans, Socialists, Liberals, Communists, Feminists and Gay Activists, Neo Cons, Secret Service, to foundations and the media.

Illuminati like a gang. It does not matter if the Chicago, London or New Yorkers do the job. They are an overlapping family circle whose lives are devoted to the common goal of dominating the world with the Luciferian system.

Here's an interview summary of Greg Szymanski with Zagami ...

Zagami explains that the world is a global puppet show controlled by idiot human hands, which have never changed the way of life for centuries under the auspices of Lucifer's teachings.

Said Zagami, they work together, including Hugo Chavez who sincerely helped carry out Bush's agenda with his theatrical appearances. Chavez is controlled by the Vatican and works for The New World Order as is done by almost all government leaders and religions in the world.

"That's how they work together in the top layer for a goal that they think is a perfect cover-up. Wahabi or Wahibi [the Saudis] was created by Zionists and his friends, the English thought to be the lost tribes of Israel. The same is true of Arafat and the so-called Muslim Brotherhood, equally created by the British Secret Service."

Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood is also behind the leadership of Iran and the leadership of the Iraqi Resistance. All the theatrical stage for the consumption of lay people.

Putin's conflict with Rothschild is just a "game". Putin is also controlled by the Illuminati.

Furthermore it is said that G.W. Bush is the "son" of the most powerful man in the Illuminati and he is fostered by his father and the CIA to be a spearhead of the Vatican Zionist Antichrist, and it is no problem for the Illuminati whether he is president or not, for the Bush family will always play a role in leading the situation and dictating the president.

Remember the demon character Anton LaVey, founder of the Church of Satan? He turns out to be also a CIA mind controller and a close friend of George H. Bush. They jointly planned to bolster the son of Bush as a devil follower, to perform a crucial role in the Satanic Era after September 11, 2001. And, the plan was prepared long ago, when Anton LaVey was alive.

The Internet is ruled by the Illuminati

"The equivalent of the word 'w' in Hebrew is the letter 'vav' or 'waw'. The value of the vav number is 6. So in English 'ww' when it is converted into Hebrew to 'vav-vav-vav', the number 666. Now it is certain we can not do business on internet sites without using WWW letters. "

"we are being watched by surveillance cameras and ultimately following the installation of micro-chips in the human body.The Micro-chip is the last Mark of the Beast and will make us under Satan's control completely, and they are ready to do Armageddon against the Messiah. take the fight to help the coming of the real Messiah. "

"Today almost all religious teachings are ravaged from within by the Illuminati, including Islam, Jews, Evangelicals, Protestants, the Born-Again Christians, all secretly controlled by Freemasonry, the secret service, the Maltese Knights, and Jesuits. So pure interfaith dialogue is impossible to do. "

Astonishing? Can be. The question is: If he was a true former circle in the Illuminati, why was he allowed to speak freely and not be "silenced"?

Watch the video interview with Leo Zagami in detail in the video attachment below.

Those are some testimonies from former state officials and former members of the illuminati who justify this organization, thank you for reading this article. do not forget to support Donald Marshall & anti illuminati campaign initiated by @fulltimegeek. write your comment below to discuss more about this Campaign.

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