(Donald Marshall & helping fulltimegeek campign Anti Illuminati!) Alert, the danger of latent illuminati!!!!


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Historically, this illuminati name refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, the secret society of European development during its founding in Ingolstadt (Upper Bavaria) on 1 May 1776, on behalf of the Illuminati order. The initial members are five and talk about the academic achievements of the Jesuits and the pioneer Adam Weiss Haupt (the descendant of Jews born and raised from Ingolstadt).

However, there is also research that this Illuminati organization existed long before the time of Adam Weishaupt. According to this study, the Illuminati is a secret underground Jewish organization that operates the entire Zionist agenda based on the teachings of Qabala, the oldest Jewish secret command 4,000 years ago.


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Adam Weishaupt is a series of white Qabala commands, which is one of the Qabala commands that not only develop the teachings of Kavala in Lucifer but also emphasize more political missions. They formulated that Kabullah's mission under Jewish leadership was to determine the direction of human civilization to form Novus Ordo Seclorum and E Pluribus Unum.

One of the goals of this organization is to remove all existing religions. And according to the above-mentioned research, Adam Weishaupt is the protocol design of the Elders of Zion, which contains an excellent agenda with the ultimate goal of world domination of Zionism.

In the description and brief description of the lamp, we can conclude that under our Zionist leadership is a group or secret organization that dominates the world and removes all existing religions and mobilizes all means to achieve the goal.

The Illuminati have some facts that are not widely known. Some of them will surprise you.

Spread across the world.


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The Illuminati goes well with big companies around the world. They entered the Holy Church of the United States government, NATO, the United Nations, and the Vatican. We have also spread Hollywood and other major media in the world. The spread of Ilmini Ministries is highly organized. Their obsession with world domination seems to be getting closer to reality. Many areas of the world have been ruled by the Illuminati, even smart people from world-class campuses. Republic of Indonesia? It seems to have penetrated mainly among the upper class.

They are not a religion.

We often think that the Illuminati is a sect of a foreign religion. They teach hundreds of years of doctrine. But in reality, they are not a religion. They do not worship what is considered as great as God. People in this organization emphasize everything in logic, sophisticated research, and scientific experiments. Things related to God and other unseen things that they never touch. It is not true that rumors are said to be influenced by Roman Catholic teaching.

The Illuminati Original Symbol

We always assume that the Illuminati symbol is "the eye of all seeing" or the eyes that can see it all. These eyes are usually above a pyramid or pyramid. But do you really know that the original Illuminati symbol is "Owl of Minerva"? This symbol is an expression of understanding of science, wisdom, science, and insight. Owls or owls are a symbol of wisdom by themselves. He also has something to do with the person he always knows. The new symbol will now only appear in mysterious form and will trust many of his followers.

Prohibition of existence

The Illuminati was first created by German law professor Adam Weishaupt in 1776. However, in just eight years, the organization was banned. Even those still in this organization will be punished. In 1785, the secret organization was considered a crime and could not bear it. This case is considered a theory if the Illuminati have been destroyed for a long time. And now there are only problems that arise. Others say that the Illuminati is a cunning organization. They will not do anything the secrets are safe. Making news about destruction.

Many conspiracy theories spread

Many conspiracy theories arise in this world. Go into the movie world of the killer UFO. This conspiracy spread very quickly in the media. They share their opinions. That way you can hide the original facts and not harming the stakeholders. Illuminati people control most of the great press in the world. They work in TV stations, radio, magazines, and newspapers. Their job is to get people to trust them quickly. Finally, disseminate public opinion. It happened in Indonesia when the media wanted to attract public opinion to the public.


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Are all our records false? Can humans be liars out of the century in this regard? When someone visits Africa, they also hear about changes in the form made by a particular group, and because they are not separate, they can interview the people they consciously see. The same applies to South America and Asia.

How do unrelated groups create phenomena around the world? Does Satanic leave a trail that I can show? No. But did you leave undeniable influence on the witnesses? Yes, this type has been recorded before the Middle Ages. I did not take a video or image of what happened, so you have to decide if someone believes you are based on your entrance. I do not care. I know what I see.

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