Positivity, within a negative world.


I have spent a few days reflecting on how my truth posts may get some people down.

When you find yourself wide awake, and realise what is going on in the world, it does frustrate at first, it can get you down, I have been there also, the start of the road, the painful part when people call you names, look at you like you are stupid, try to get you back in line, with their delusional life, the more you try to tell them they are wrong, the more they disrespect you, talk about you and discredit you.

Never fear, you are on the right road, welcome to knowing the "TRUTH" The CIA invented conspiracy theorist as a title or name in the late 60's, so anyone that challenged JFK's obvious assassination could be labelled a lunatic, I am not even going to prove that, if you really are awake, and or want to know, seek and you shall find.


Tin foil hat.


Is another derogatory term used, invented by Hollyweird, to discredit Dissenting voices, if you get called that, you know you are on the right road, keep right on.
Thanks Mel Gibson - have a conspiracy link for fun http://www.luckinlove.com/conspirindex.htm

I digress, I wanted to give the "awake" a livener, a shot in the arm of up lift, so you can read my posts, and not let them get to you, as we are all fragile souls, though not quite as fragile as you thought you were.

The war.

There is a war going on on your mind, and I am indeed part of it, though in a good way, I want you to feel empowered, I want you to believe in "YOU" I also want you to know the truth does not hurt, it is only perception flaws, thanks percey.


The above picture is to the old guard, to those that messed up this world.

This lady in this video I would like to present to you, is of my thinking, not 100%, though close enough, please take the time to watch, it may turn out to be my disclaimer at the end of my truth posts in the future.

I am going nowhere.

I am your truth info, I am your support, I will not let you down. I will support you forever, one love, one world.

Ready for a positive world yet? lets get this party started.

Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates



Images from pixabay.

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