Can we have an honest conversation about Donald J. Trump? The man is con artist. If it’s not the fake dye in his hair, it’s the fake rhetoric and personality. Believe it or not, I almost voted for him, but only because of his promises of ending war, and ending corruption in Washington. Everything he’s done so far is the bidding of the establishment, and the literal exact OPPOSITE of what he said he was going to do. I mean, he’s threatening Syria and Russia now? After seven years of war ending in Syria, all of sudden Assad “chemically gassed” his own people? And Trump uses this as an excuse for war? That doesn’t sound like “getting out of the wars” Trump to me. It sounds like Obama in 2011. It sounds like military industrial complex.

He gave Hillary so much crap for taking large amounts of money from the banks, but then hires Goldman Sachs execs to top economic positions. Gary Cohn, briefly, for Chief Economic advisor, and Steve Mnuchin as Secretary of the Treasury!
WTF that’s like saying we should get rid of the cartel, but then hiring “El Chapo” for your administration. Trump is a fucking FAKE. He said we would focus on rebuilding U.S. infrastructure, but then gives 100 billion dollars in weapons deals to Saudi Arabia; 300 billion over the span of a decade, while also giving 100 billion a year in free money to corporations, which doesn’t include tax breaks and tax avoidance. Just for perspective, it costs 70 billion a year to fund education and 30 billion to fund Medicaid. WTF.

These few examples show how far removed we are from the democracy we’re supposed to be. Trump said he would end corruption and “Drain the swamp”. Yet he isn’t doing anything remotely worthy of his position or the policies he ran on. Trump IS Clinton. He IS Obama. He IS a neo liberal. Vote Bernie Sanders in 2020.

April 12, 2018

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