The death of the dollar and the currency that will replace it will be the bitcoin.

We are about to enter a global financial darkness and this will kill the dollar.

A wallstreet finance expert talks about the death of the dollar for this 2018 he has prophesied to many things in the world of finance.

Jame G Rickards is a man with extensive experience of 35 years in the capital markets of wallstreet he has published a great book called the death of the dollar in which he mentions that the current monetary system will die and start a new economic system.

The dollar will die because of the current unconventional monetary policy of the federal reserve system that provides for the purchase of billions of dollars in the framework of the cunatitativa flexibilization program.

Jame says that the bankers have a parasitic attitude and this same will condemn the American currency to failure they are not aware that the printing of money can be an irreversible process and will lose the trust in the money.

Before continuing to talk about what Jame says, you can say that confidence in money is already being lost today because Russia and China are buying a gigantic reserve in gold and this info you can see in Google.

Russia-China combined gold reserves could shake US dominance in global economy - expert tells RT
Published time: 8 Jan, 2018 07:19

PUTIN WANTS GOLD BACK CURRENCY - Claims Russia Will Never Become A NWO Cashless Society


'Dollar valueless, about to crash' - World Bank whistleblower

The government of the United States contracted with the National Security Agency (NSA) to take over the project of the creation of Bitcoin. You can verify that this is a real document written 20 years before it tells how the cryptocurrency that has all the characteristics of the bitcoin and is based on nsa info

remember it was said that satoshi nakamoto is who created the btc the truth that name is fictitious the real name is tatsuaki akamoto he wrote about cash electronic in 1998 was written12 years before the btc



The NSA also wrote the crypto hash used by Bitcoin to secure all transactions
On top of the fact that the NSA authored a technical paper on cryptocurrency long before the arrival of Bitcoin, the agency is also the creator of the SHA-256 hash upon which every Bitcoin transaction in the world depends. As The Hacker News explains. “The integrity of Bitcoin depends on a hash function called SHA-256, which was designed by the NSA and published by the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST).” THN also adds:

“If you assume that the NSA did something to SHA-256, which no outside researcher has detected, what you get is the ability, with credible and detectable action, they would be able to forge transactions. The really scary thing is somebody finds a way to find collisions in SHA-256 really fast without brute-forcing it or using lots of hardware and then they take control of the network.” Cryptography researcher Matthew D. Green of Johns Hopkins University s

with regards to the NSA. Bitcoin is like the main engine that allows to provide and collect information from around the world similar to Facebook, where all users voluntarily provide this information. It's the same strategy they use - with Bitcoin is giving up their private transactional information. By itself, the NSA - can triangulate your information more precisely.

This is where the dollar and bitcoin fit perfectly, there is no doubt that the dollar has little life left and the perfect currency to replace it is bitcoin or better said bitcoin is a test now that it has worked 100% it would be another under another name logically so as not to be discovered.

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