Some words about my dog Wedding :)

Hello everyone.
Do you remember stories about my dog ​​friend named Wedding? Generally, for the first few months we thought it was a mongrel. Once, we came across photos of dogs on the internet. It quickly dawned on us that Wedding is a Border Colie McNab dog. I was looking for information about this breed and found it on Wikipedia.

McNab Shepherds require more daily physical exercise and mental stimulation than many other breeds. A working McNab frequently runs for miles a day, using its herding skills to control livestock, and they can become restless if isolated or neglected. Unlike some other herding breeds, McNabs are not hyperactive. Providing a McNab has plenty of exercise, it is content to nap at its owner’s side with a watchful and protective eye.

McNabs often bond tightly to their family members, including other household pets. They have a keen sense of territory and seldom wander away from home. They are also more likely to defend their territory and family members than many of the more sensitive herding breeds.

McNabs can be assertive and demanding, and they do best with guardians who are firm, consistent and skilled in positive dog training methods that don't trigger the McNabs instinct to push back against obstacles. Highly intelligent and quick to learn, the McNab needs to exercise its brain as much as its body. Families considering a McNab for a pet will need to set aside plenty of time to spend with their dog.

Here is my lovely McNab :)

Maybe in future i will add some video with him. Have a nice day everyone :)

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