🐶 Today I Learned From My Dogs

Ode To Man's Best Friends - Dogs

Rather than taking you down a tear jerking story about missing the quiet comforting received when we are down, nudges for a responsive acknowledgement "I am here". Kisses come free (just watch that tongue), sharing is almost expected or will slowly be given as you weaken in your resolve.

What I have learned from faithful companionship in dogs.

Rhodesian Ridgeback Dogs

Dog breed: Rhodesian Ridgebacks - Introducition to Rex AKA 'Big Red' who walked with a swagger earning him another nickname "John Wayne", nicknames alter as they get older "Ompie" (My interpretation "Old Man").

Introducing Jodi AKA 'Boob', very confident young girl her nick names used "Jo" or "JoJo". Rex being her constant companion, she learned quickly how to win the 'jackpot' first time most days!


Lessons start young, behaviour, mixing with people and other animals all takes great effort - What I learned Sniff It Out Dogs rush up to each other and sniff, is he friend or is he foe? Teaching humans good lessons in life, partnerships and/or business, research must never be underestimated when entering into any relationship, contracts or investments, there are no short cuts, sniff thoroughly!


Work from home, Find Something You Love, And Do It Over And Over Many of us find ourselves un-employed, we need to lean how just like dogs, enjoyment in playing fetch over and over, find something you enjoy. Do it over and over gaining confidence, passion drives us forward in what we do, once we trigger confidence within our passion, this driving force steers us forward to succeed. Practice makes perfect. (Photo above the two testing out each others patience, just for fun.)



Dogs regulate their body temperature when they Breathe Deeply Humans alleviate stress, clearing our mind for the next task at hand, deep breaths help us regulate our emotional temperature, deep breathe in and out like a dog, does you good. (Photo: Rex at the back doing more of a river plod, Jodi exploding through at great speed to impress... Aha Youth)



Speak Up When Things Don't Feel Right Being at home on my own, Rex had a couch and Jodi inherited the chair (from the bitch before, that is for another story) absolutely nothing could move through the garden without them barking to alert me, especially monkeys in trees outside or cats trying to take a short cut. Dogs have exceptional hearing, instincts. We need to learn is how to listen to our instincts and speak up when things do not feel right. (Yeah go ahead, have a good bark!)


Learn To Receive Dogs know how to give love, and also how to receive it! Instead of doubting our self-worth, keeping anything at arms-length, practice receiving it in all its many forms, love, gifts, advice. (It may end up feeling better than belly rub Jodi loved, or an eye rub Rex loved. A broken twig as a gift is still a gift given!)


Our dogs learn very quickly their name, nicknames given and respond.Know Who You Are. We need to explore who we are, more than just a name, find out our strengths and weaknesses, (exactly the same way our dogs do,) getting to know yourself better, explore who you are to become a better version of who you actually want to be in life.


Take Lots Of Walks Take regular breaks, short or longer walks on your own or with your furry friend, even though they love to laze around we all need to take a break during the day, get out into nature, it's good for you, (take your camera with, something unusual may be happening out there).


Drink Your Water Keep hydrated drink lots of fresh water, when the dogs finished walking we took water bottle and a bowl for them, they actually looked for it, learn from your dogs, take a few sips before leaving the beach or park. Water is good for body and mind, not tea or coffee, water will do!


Don't Be Afraid To Get Dirty -- Jump In! Don't over think it! Want to become involved, just do it. Like dogs on beaches or in the park, the world is filled with many games, some cleaner than others.


Shake It Off Shit happens. Whether you're caught in a physical or emotional storm or simply had to do something you don't enjoy, shake it off and move forward. For your own well being, move past it! Dogs really don't skulk or sulk for long, learn to get over emotional hurdles quickly, before they slow you down.


Good Looks Will Get You Anywhere Did your dog steal a chicken off the sideboard cooling? You feel anger flare up, eventually looking at your furry friend's startled look, big brown eyes gazing back at you for love and forgiveness. Learn from your dogs! Play up on 'cuteness-factor'.. it may get you out of difficult situations!


Don't Hold Grudges Know that crushed look that crosses a puppy's face when you say "NO" in a stern tone? A few moments later it's like they have forgotten. When we become permeable like a pup, we can experience our feelings then move forward. This way we can enjoy new moments, instead of reliving past pain.

You Tube Videos 2011 and 2013:

Jodi 2011

Jodi and Rex 2014

Life is no life at all if we are unable to learn from everything around us, thank you for visiting, please add your experiences into the comments below. From the first biscuit smelling breath lick to the day you go with them to take their final breath, they are my companions to the end, me being better for knowing them to enrich my life in many more ways than one.

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