Summer Dog Days on the Pier!

Another beautiful day here on the Sunshine Coast of BC, and the daily tasks of summer seem to increase in number! It's a concentrated time of now harvesting and still planting the garden, and still working like crazy to make things easier for next year. Read that as “weed and water control attempts!”

But when the sea and sky are incredibly blue, with just occasional soft little clouds floating on high, it's that ocean calling. Again Dearly Beloved and I, lured by the siren call of the sea traveled the five minutes to Davis Bay, bought ice cream cones ( he chose rum and raisin, I fixed on chocolate swirl with almonds) and slurped our way over to the pier.

The tide was way out, disclosing all the rocks and water worn pebbles in the area, and as we got there a young man emerged from a swim in the water, followed closely by his trusty pooch. The dog scarcely had time for a couple of quick shakes before his owner was en route to the pier, and he was following.

Turns out there were several young friends having a good time on the pier. They were jumping from a height of about 15’ into the water, then climbing up a special, strong and well built ladder back onto the pier. Other young folks occupied a nearby swimming platform out in the ocean, or were on their way to it.

You could say, there was plenty of action, but the sweet black pooch, after posing briefly for me to take a portrait shot, was obviously concerned about his daring young master. It's hard when you have the responsibility of looking after someone who seems to have no fear of heights, or concept of danger.

The young guy ( we’ll call him Darren) primed himself for the deep dive. He encouraged his dawg ( we’ll call him Rodney) to accompany him. Poor Rodney was caught between a rock and a hard place all of a sudden, wanting to obey, but knowing he shouldn't. Suddenly, decisively, Darren flew off the pier, hitting the water with a loud splash. At the same time there was a doggie cry of anguish from Rodney, looking on in horror from above.

It ended well. Darren came up the 15’ ladder to be greeted by a still-whimpering Rodney, who was just incredibly relieved to have the love of his life back from the depths. But there was to be no end to the doggy tension. Darren now chose to sit on the cap of a piling, and anyone could see his plan was to take off from there in a dive.

A beautiful thing happened. Rodney went as close as he dared, and firmly, with pressure, placed his head on the young man’s lap, pleading with him not to jump. It was such a loving thing to see. A moment in time, caught here. And it was good to see, it worked. No more diving!

It was fun watching these lovely young people move from one interest to another. They did some more climbing and swimming, and this seemed quite acceptable to the faithful pooch, who followed along keeping a watchful eye on his charge.

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