Steemians! Lets Take A Ponderosa Dog Walk Together!

Dog Walking Mediations

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Dearest Steemian,
Would you like to use your minds eye a Second or more, and lets take a Dog walk together in a beautiful space? Why dont we use this time as a kind of a natural clearing from the cyber smog we have our heads in, by using a wee bit of your imaginative gifts, first lets say hello to the Little Prince our poodle companion.

Princey the Relax Master

So allow me to introduce you to Princey, yes you guessed it! He is a (large) Miniture Poodle, he will be turning Nine in Febuary, loves his walks in natural environs, as do I....when I pull myself from the virtual world, which I cant completely do for you,
Because, you would have to leave the device that is translating all those tiny data bits into the very words you are reading...:) so please stay on your translator, as I take you on a wondrous walk with Princey!

The Prince, whom I affectionately named after the late great Artist Prince,(yes I am a fan), can be very vocal even musical with his varied sound palate, barks, coos, and sometimes even a purring quality comes from this little guy, that makes you drop whats bothering you as you gently rub your hands through his soft down like hair. Here.. feel how soft...

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His hair can grow into long locks, especially in winter when I let them grow. Loving this cuddly cute being is a simple therapy for both of us. Princey is very keen, loyal, intelligent, yet very soft and mostly serene, unless hungry or senses me in danger.

Just one look from his innocent eyes, helps me to relax, breathe, let down my shoulders and destress. Princey reminds me that I don't have to take or make things so serious, he doesn't, unless of course, there is a real threat, where as we are more prone to being hypervigilant to what might be there, not what actually is.

So today, Princey has nudged me to go to a new trail, this is a special treat we get to share together, come on lets go, I hope you enjoy!

The Grand Ponderosa

There are tall Ponderosa here, the really large old ones, and if you get real close, It smells like Vanilla, gosh it reaks with deliciousness.

Can you smell this Great Grand Mamma of a Pine? Just imagine!

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As we get closer to the main Trail, Princey begins to go (baby goat) crazy about the new odifferous offerings he might happen upon.
Listen...can you hear the sniffing in short wiffs with his super sensitive nose, discovering new odors, that sometimes, he just can't get enough of! Although I must say... our taste differ widely, when it comes to what smells good;).

Maybe its like me wiffing the generous perfume of an over ripened vanilla bean, or a Catalalya Orchid in full bloom:) Can you tell I adore the essence of vanilla?
Oh so yummy.

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I wonder if the different molecules give Princey a picture he can associate with as to where that smell came from or who left it...using his senses as a pathway to higher aspects of his imagination. Princey has a very active dream life indeed,
I know...he talks in his sleep.

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Sensing Everything

As we mosey along walking in full Sensatation, feeling the small peices of pinecone and pine neddles softing the path, hearing a pair of Juncos
singing sweet somethings to one another. Just enjoying the beauty, in this fresh Ponderosa forest. Its so good to have fellow Steemians along the way, that relish walks like this, sharing the beauty.

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Princey wants us to follow him up to the top of that massive boulder up there, the kind you can climb and walk around on and play, in child like wonder. Boy that was fun climb! We do a Panoramic circle at the summit, as two large Ravens quarrel over the other ones tight beaked meal.

Princey looks up and barks...the bird fight stops mid air, as their deepest hue of midnight blue, split in different directions. Wow, look over there, we can see the snow covered San Francisco Peaks from here, what a view!

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Oh nice, the wind has died down...the forest in its quiet, singing the sound of silence in between the thoughts...
Just then Princey jolts me out of my Zen moment and I realize oops, I still have company that I have invited,
I digress.

As we delightfully move on, I ask you, haven't you found , that seeing something strinkingly beautiful, automatically, quiets the mind?
Or when we bath our taste buds with a cultural cuisine we love, our mind is quiet yet conciously deep in the experience itself.

Lets just watch, Princey experience things as they are. Observing him is like being the non resistance to the flow of life, as simple as a rain drop, falling effortlessly, in a still mirroring pond.

As I see Princey do quite often, to completely sense his environment. He doesn't have to think as thought goes...he is connected to the natural world as a dog is, primarily by smell and hearing, he feels his little paw pads grounded, as his precious quad-pedel body moves forth.

Surprise! Princey magically unleashed himself and he is in his full gate right towards you!

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He asured me that was really fun, he love to run full speed! he is a true freedom activist! he needs to be free of all restraints, I am trying to explain to him about the Steemit Block chain,etc , he is slowly coming around, he just doesn't like the word chain, he runs around in unleashed abandon, though I remind him that the Park Ranger can give me an unwanted fine for his veracious burst, he just smiles in his precocious darlingness.

We continue on, with Princey, sensing all the beauty of the wood, the cool of the oxygen rich air, and breathing deep, feeling all just as it is.

Princey the Treasure finder

Princey always leads me to amazing discoveries, such as this tree, look at this! Full of its tinacity and determination, and growing patience!
To ascend through this giant Boulder and eventually breaking it in half!
Ever stronger, standing here proud and beautiful, continually growing past its previous achievement!

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Thats kind of like you and I, when we join Steemit, a hatching minnow swimming with the asperations of becoming a smiling Orca... or even a giant Blue Whale!

Breaching the Steemie surface in full abandon, lifting out, to then plunging deep again, to find new vistas of creative expression that bring value to all Steemians.

Ahhh, the beauty of the live standing wood, we walk on to the bridge...a simple bridge, there is no water flow underneath as such, Never the less protective Princey makes way for us to cross.

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As we continue in our walk ...all of the sudden a quick thrashing sound comes from the ridge behind the scrub Oaks, what is it? Could it be the Jahvaolina that I call the (Porky Gypsies) or maybe we will luck out and spy a Bobcat, even a Mountain Lion????

Princey stays in Protective poise....until... finally a group of Coues Deer, in their small (they are tiny deer) regal way, came forth, standing a mere 50ft from us.

I was waiting for Princey's customary warning bark,
it never came, he sensed their gentle curiosity.

The Coues alerted ears, panned for sound, like tan and black radar dishes...
Standing there , the Deer, us, and Princey, looking at each other, with respectful recognition.

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Well this walk has turned out fantastic I feel refreshed. We have seen wild life and great trees, plus, I really needed to stretch my legs, they don't like being folded up under a desk all day! I hope you have enjoyed our little walk with Princey.

As our little excursion ends for today, I want to sincerly thank all the Steemians that provide all kinds of educational, inspirational, news worth, mouth watering, amazing, app designing, geniuses, that create great content that has helped me so much.
Much Appreciation!

Please leave a comment or questions about this post. And if this walk has been worth an upvote, Princey and I will be thrilled!
Steeming on*

Again, Appreciation to you all!
Until next time...

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