Did You Know That Dogs Can Be Hungover Too?! - Here is The Proof!

When you wake up and tell yourself: I'm not drinking ever again! That doesn't just happen to humans, it happens to Frenchies too and it looks like this...

Never drinking again until next weekend...

We know you have probably missed us but don't worry! Despite feeling pretty shitty today, we have a few updates for you guys!

The biggest change? We just moved! We weren’t super excited about our new house at first, but as it turns out, we have a new roommate!!! She is super small and mom does not s(t)eem to be as excited as we are, but that doesn't make us any less happy about it! Mom keeps jumping on the couch screaming every time our tiny new friend stops by, but that only gets us going even more! We love chasing her up and down the room whenever we she makes an appearance! What does seem to be more than a little unfair, is that mom just put some cheese on the counter for the newcomer in some sort of contraption, even though we never get any snacks like that. WTF mom?!

Mom screwed us over today and wouldn't let us get hangover food on our way to the park

Needless to say, we had absolutely no intention of leaving the house today. Until mom said those magical words: Want to go to the park? We love those words more than a fat kid loves cake. We’re the baddest bitches in that place! Can you say squadgoals?!

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Mom always taught us to share, so here we are sharing a stick

After running after each other for about an hour and sniffing everyone’s butt we were, of course, totally beat! Mom told us that you guys love seeing pictures of us, so just for you guys we struck our best pose despite just wanting to go home already! Sorry about the whole tongue thing…

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We are going to be nursing our hangover now. We'll be back when we feel a little more up for it!

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