Dog Mom

I have always loved animals as long as I can remember, there are stories of me rescuing anything that moved. When growing up we always had cats siamese to be exact and I loved everyone of them.

It wasn't until I was an adult and out of the house that I got my first dog. I love these furry creatures, and so it was no surprise that I rescued my first dog off the streets in my neighborhood. He was a medium brown dog and super friendly, so I checked everywhere to see who could have lost him. I kept him safe until I found his owner, but no one came forward. So he became Brownie and all mine. The vet checked him out he was very healthy, the vet figured he was about 2 years old. He got his shots and was neutered. Long story short this little guy was an escape artist, I had 6 foot fence in my backyard so if he was outside he jumped the fence or dug his way out. No one could keep him in a yard 😂

As the years have passed I have had a few really good dogs I miss dearly, they have passed to the other side over the rainbow bridge. After my last dog passed I didn't get another dog for a long time. Finally I felt it to be the right time to find a new companion.

I searched and researched what type of dog I wanted, did I want a big dog, a medium dog, a small dog, a rescue, a pure breed. Lots of decisions to make, I had to consider where I lived my life style what type of dog would be the best suited to me.

I finally reached my decision I did my research and found what I wanted a teacup Yorkshire Terrier! Now I needed to find a breeder who stayed true to the breed and made sure they didn't breed just for the tiny size (way to many do and lots of problems with them). I found one I was very happy with in the state I lived in so she agreed to let me meet the parents and see how they were raised.

My first baby was Captain Jack Sparrow and unfortunately he passed away a year and a half ago from sepsis. I'm still heartbroken over his death, but so grateful I have 2 others that are his brother and sister, same breeder just different liters. Princes has the same father different mother.

Roux was my second Yorkie and I got him 6 months after Captain Jack. Princess Arwen was added 4 years later, and oh what a princess she is! She rules the house from day one, the boys gave into her immediately.

My little ones give me so much love it is incredible. If only humans could love like our dogs do wouldn't the world be a little nicer? Now to introduce Roux and Princess Arwen:

Here they are on the back of the sofa always watching for squirrels

This is Roux, he always has his tongue sticking out

And this is my Princess Arwen

This was my Captain Jack Sparrow, the love of my life 😍

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