What Are the 5 Types of Dog Breeders?


Professional show dog breeders occupy a pride of place among the echelons of dog breeders. They breed dogs because they like what they are doing and take pride in maintaining bloodlines, records and taking care of dogs. If one wants a quality purebred dog whose lineage one would like to know, these are the guys to approach. Some professional dog breeders specialize in only one breed or in crossbreds such as sheepadoodle puppy sired by an Old English Sheepdog and Poodle. In any case, they make sure that their dogs pass regulation tests and the pups are well taken care of just like a family member before being handed over to new owners.

Puppy mills

Dog breeding is big business and there are regular commercial organizations that breed dogs the same way one raises livestock. Dogs are not so fortunate here and have to live in cages. Worse, dogs may not be well cared for or fed properly. The sole motive is to breed and sell as many puppies as possible in order to make money. One may never expect a healthy sheepadoodle puppy from such puppy mills.

Backyard dog breeders

What people do on a commercial scale, some do on a smaller scale right in their own backyards. They do not offer any health certifications on puppies they put up for sale. The good thing about the backyard breeders is that selling pups and making money is not their motive. They usually have a dog or two and when the female gives birth, they keep one puppy and offer the rest for sale. Most pups from such homes are well loved and taken care of. If one can find a sheepadoodle from such breeders, it is worth taking. However, some backyard breeders emulate puppy mills and are quite unscrupulous in how they treat dogs so beware of them.

Hobby breeders

A hobby is a passion and where hobby dog breeders are concerned, they are fully committed and knowledgeable about the dogs they breed and their health as well as training. They are not in it for money. If their beloved female dog gives birth to a litter, they keep one and sell off the rest. Dogs and pups from such breeders are well cared for and healthy.

Specialist breeder

A specialist breeder has the best traits of the backyard breeder and the hobby breeder and will usually specialize in only one breed like sheepadoodles. Buying a pup is not easy. One has to register for the next lot to arrive in this world. Even then, the buyer is scrutinized well because this type of breeder wants to make sure the pup is going to the right home. They love dogs and deal directly with families who wish to own dogs. Buying pups from them is the best thing to do.

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