Bali Rescue Dog Squad: Another story of great sacrifice for animals

The other day Instagram actually made a useful suggestion to me and pointed me towards a dog-rescue organization that I was unaware of. Animal welfare organizations exist all over the world but sometimes the stories behind them are more compelling than others. While we here at Krabi Animal Welfare do make sacrifices in order to keep our non-profit running, we can't exactly claim that we ever "gave up everything." This is what makes the story of Bali Rescue Dog Squad so special.


Alison Gray is a Malaysian-born Australian who had a life that everyone who thinks that money=success would dream of. She studied hard, she got educated in Perth and excelled in her studies. After graduating with degrees in Human Resources and Executive Recruitment she went on to work for some of the biggest firms in the industry eventually becoming the head of national recruiting for several large corporations. As you might be able to imagine, this position came with an extremely attractive salary: But money wasn't what Alison was looking for in life.


She discovered after multiple holidays to Bali (this is very popular among Australians) Alison saw what anyone who has ever been there notices quite quickly: Bali has a terrible stray dog population that struggles for survival on the streets the same way that they do here in Thailand. When she relocated to Bali, it wasn't necessarily to do this, but she quickly realized this was her "calling" in life and sporadically rescued a dog here and there. This quickly became an addiction and at some point she decided that this was what she wanted to do with her life. Over the past 5 years she has rescued over 500 dogs and is prepared to rescue 5,000 or even more as she has chosen this as her life's work.


The way her non-profit functions is very similar to our own in that she takes on all the boarders that she can, attempts to find forever homes in the local community and reaches out to the tourist and international community to try to find homes abroad. I can speak from experience when I say that this is a LOT of work for very little monetary reward. I do not know the specifics of her financials but I sincerely hope that she gets enough in donations to continue her work and at least finance the costs associated with the running of the business. We have not yet reached that point and frequently dip into our own salaries in order to keep Krabi Animal Welfare running.


She has expanded a great deal since first starting her organization several years ago and now has her own home where she houses 20 dogs at a time as well as 2 other "safe houses" where they protect the dogs and help them to get used to human interaction and prepare them for adoption.

Alison is an inspiration to us here at Krabi Animal Welfare and we applaud her success in helping the poor doggy souls of Bali.

More information available about Bali Rescue Dog Squad available HERE

If you would like to see how you can help out, or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.


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