Life with a furbaby, think mine need a reminder where they belong.

Looks like I am being ignored tonight, I am usually sat with both my furbabies curled up next to me but tonight they have decided to both go and sleep on hubby. They seem to prefer his company over mine for the first time in a long time. I am in a right huff now,

How dare they use me

They still look really cute though

Would love to know what Mika is dreaming about as she is making some weird noises. She mumbles when she is asleep and wow she really snores pretty loud for a little lady.

They are usually always with me mainly because I don't move as much as hubby does, he is up and down getting a drink. It very strange that Geordie isn't with me, he is my shadow and follows me everywhere.

Well that didn't last very long, Geordie soon realised where he is supposed to be, came back where he belongs.

Its not the same sitting by myself having no furbaby to stroke, if my fingers aren't tapping on here there stroking a baby.

Thank you @son-of-satire

Thank you @artedellavita

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