Dog pics: Schmooples edition

Her name isn't "shmooples" but like most normal human beings my dog has multiple names. Her official name is "Nadi" but I have been known to call her a lot of different things. I am normally a regular semi-serious dude but that all changes when I am talking to my, or anyone else's dog. I get the silly baby voice and I think that if a person doesn't do that they are a psychopath... or German.


Nadi (or Schmooples, or Babycakes, Fluffybutt, Floofter, Popcheck or a number of other names) is turning 7 this year and it is a bit of a turning point that makes me feel a little bit sad because it will be the first time in her life that she will be older than I am (in dog years.)


Of course I do my best to keep that youthful spirit in her and I have been known to buy her entirely too many toys, most of which she completely ignores and instead just steals one of my socks.


If she can't find one of my socks, her favorite toy is the one she has had the longest, and you can see her with it above. It's name is "bock bock" and she knows it by name. Oh who am I kidding any plush toy is "bock bock" as far as she knows.

Her hair looks a little bit out of sorts lately because due to covid, a lot of the doggie beauty shops have simply shut down for the time being since they were deemed an unessential service. I think I speak for a awful lot of urban pet owners when I say that this service should have never been shut down and now I kind of feel bad when I take a clippers to Nadi because I have no idea what I am doing. Most of the time it takes me multiple days to get her hair completed because man do those feet take a long time to do!

So normally I will do one or two pays and by then the clippers are out of batteries so we gotta wait a while. Whatever... Nadi doesn't mind, because I give her a cigarette after each time the battery in the clippers goes flat.

not a cigarette

So hopefully the doggie beauty salons will open back up again sometime soon because while I am doing the best I can I wouldn't say I am getting any better at it. Thankfully my dog, and I think all dogs, don't really give a damn what they look like.

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