Handle With Care


Over the past few weeks, my lovely girl Bindi’s ailments have been stacking up a bit more. Ontop of her hind leg issues with the Degenerative Myelopathy, there are a myriad of other problems that are rearing their ugly head. With her nearing the ripe old age of 16 in November, I guess it’s to be expected.

There is the incontinence issue which is actually not as bad as it sounds. She gets leaky now but we have figured out a simple solution. I tried the doggie diapers but they are fairly expensive at over a buck a pop. I bought the reusable and washable one which is slick looking and matches her harness. It works well but they are also expensive at around $25-$30 bucks each and at this point I would need several in a days cycle.

So for the most part, we are using men’s tighty whiteys! Good old fashion underwear...with a little modification. We line it with a pad with sticks to it well, and place it on her backwards so that her tail can stick right through the ol’ piss hole. These have been working like a charm, and are super easy to clean...not to mention inexpensive. I just bought a multi pack of both the undies and the pads. Both came to under $20 bucks. I throw the pad out after changing and wash the undies when a few pile up. At this point the ongoing cost will just be pads which are inexpensive and do the job like a boss! I also clamp the top with a bread clip as they are a tiny bit loose. It looks funny and she doesn’t mind em at all which works perfectly. I’ll snap a pic later today. She’s roaming the yard butt ass naked at the moment as I type.


The only other issue I am struggling with is her anxiety. She gets a bit whiney at times as she can’t feel her legs well. So sometimes she tries to stand up and her legs are jelly...so she whines. After NYCC this week, I’m going to take her in to see if there is something that they can prescribe that’ll work to combat that. It’s apparently very common for her condition according to the groups I’ve joined to learn more about it. With her age fines issues like her eyesight and hearing getting worse, doggy dementia, and anxiety. I’m hoping to get something that will help her with the anxiousness.

She’s still happy and full of life. She loves her walks, chows down like a champ, plays catch (poorly) with me, and just loves life. I just have to get that anxiety under control and in check. I know everyday is a gift at this point and I honestly don’t know how long she has. Could be a week...a month...or a year. I just know I’m trying my best to be as patient as possible and cherish every moment with her.

I’m bringing her to work with me now daily as I don’t want to leave her alone. She is really well behaved and I think it’s good for her mind to change things up a tad. Keeps that old fading mind busy and working.


I’m not ready and will never be to lose my baby. She’s been with me through so much and represents a large and influential portion of my life. But when the time comes and there are more bad times than good...or ages obviously unhappy and suffering...I’ll have to make the hard but right choice once again. I just hope that it’s still a ways away and that there are more days of pure love to share with her in store.




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