Osteoarthritis in dogs

Research has shown that 20 percent of dogs older than 1 year suffer from osteoarthritis . It is a misunderstanding that this degenerative joint disease affects only old and (too) heavy dogs. Young dogs can also suffer from joint wear. Usually this is caused by too heavy a load during growing up. The problem is that osteoarthritis is almost always accompanied by pain when moving . The time that the vet put a dog with weight complaints to sleep is long gone. With the current means, the quality of life of your pet can be greatly improved.


What is osteoarthritis in dogs?

A joint is the hinge between two bones. In order to be able to move smoothly, the bone ends are coated with smooth and elastic cartilage . The cartilage matrix is continuously created and broken down by the cartilage cells (chondrocytes) present. Osteoarthritis develops when this balance has been disturbed for a long time. The production of new cartilage matrix is ​​insufficient, making the surface rough and less elastic. The cartilage can even completely disappear between the bones . The worn cartilage is replaced by bone tissue and connective tissue. This allows your dog to move the joint less well in the long run. Moreover, there are inflammations in the joints . This will cause your dog to sufferpain while moving .

How does osteoarthritis develop in dogs?

Osteoarthritis is a natural part of the aging process in dogs. The elasticity of the cartilage decreases and damage can be repaired less well. But large dog breeds - such as Benner Sennen, Bordeaux Dog, Labrador and Dobberman - can suffer from joint wear more quickly. The joints are heavily loaded due to the large weight. Dogs that suffer from overweight are also in the danger zone. Osteoarthritis can also be the result of a fracture or a severe bruise. In young dogs this condition can be caused by hereditary defects or congenitaljoint problems, such as hip dysplasia (HD). There may also be something wrong with the physical development of dogs. For example, by walking for a very long time with a puppy. Take your dog with you several times a day. And you strictly adhere to the rule of thumb: the number of weeks in minutes determines the duration of the walk. So if your puppy is 10 weeks old, take him or her outside for 10 minutes at a time. This prevents overloading of the joints and reduces the risk of developing osteoarthritis.

What are the symptoms of osteoarthritis in dogs?

osteoarthritis dogIt is important to recognize the symptoms of osteoarthritis as early as possible in your dog. The sooner the treatment can be started, the less stressful this condition will be on your dog. The alarm bells should start ringing when your dog gets up difficult after a period of rest or does not walk up and down the stairs as easily . Other obvious features are: no longer wanting to run after a ball , lameness after a long walk or when leaving behind . Sometimes a dog can cringe if you touch him or her. Do you recognize these symptoms? Then it is wise to quickly make an appointment with the vet.

How is osteoarthritis diagnosed in dogs?
The diagnosis is made by a veterinarian. He will do this based on what you have noticed about the way your dog is moving. To get certainty an X-ray of the painful joint will be made. If the joint is very painful, the doctor will first give your dog a slight tuft.

How is osteoarthritis treated in dogs?

As with humans, osteoarthritis can not be cured in dogs . Damaged cartilage will normally not recover. This does not mean, however, that your dog has to walk around with pain for the rest of his or her life. The treatment consists of delaying the wear process and fighting the pain. The vet will therefore prescribe anti-inflammatory painkillers so that your dog does not feel the pain anymore. In addition, it is important to give the affected joint of your dog as much rest as possible at the beginning of the treatment. You have your dog lined up five to six times a day. And no longer than five minutes at a time. When the symptoms begin to decrease, you can gradually increase these walks in time. If the dog does not feel any pain anymore, you can also opt for movements that help to strengthen the muscles around the joint. Straightforward efforts , such as swimming or walking next to the bicycle, are the most suitable for this. Avoid movements that extra stress on the joints. So ball games, climbing stairs and jumping in and out of the car are absolutely not good for a dog with osteoarthritis. Overweight is an important factor in the development of joint problems in dogs. So make sure that your dog sheds a few kilos. If this does not work, you can possibly switch to special diet foods.

Does liquid green-lipped mussel with Curcumin also help dogs?

The disadvantage of anti-inflammatory painkillers ( NSAIDs ) is that these drugs also slow down normal body processes in your dog. As a result, other complaints arise. For example, many dogs suffer from their stomach if they use these NSAIDs. That's why it's good to take a serious look at a natural anti-inflammatory for your pet with osteoarthritis. osteoarthritis dogMore and more dog owners discover that liquid green lip mussel with Curcumin is a good resultgives in a dog with osteoarthritis. Green lip mussel contains Omega-3 fatty acids - including some rare - that block enzymes that damage the cartilage. In addition, this mollusk from New Zealand together with Curcumin has an anti-inflammatory effect in the joints. The Green-lipped mussel in this additional animal feed is liquefied through a unique process . This is done without heating, so that the anti-inflammatory components can not be damaged. It is 100 percent natural, so this drug has no unpleasant side effects for your dog. In addition, liquid preparations are simpler and without a struggle, because this can be poured over the normal food.

Does my dog ​​still need Glucosamine separately when using green-lipped mussel?

Liquid green-lipped mussel with Curcumin for dogs is available at the pet store. It can be ordered for you from the wholesalers if it is not in stock. In beginning and advanced osteoarthritis, two complete courses per year are sufficient to reduce the pain and make the joints supple. Green-lipped mussel also naturally contains a high content of glycosaminoglycans. It is therefore no longer necessary to give your dog Glucosamine separately . In addition to this liquid Green-lipped mussel with Curcumin for dogs, additional building and maintenance substances are added for the bones, cartilage and muscles. It is vitamin C, vitamin D and calcium. Incidentally, this course has a pleasant taste for healthy dog ​​knuckles. Unfortunately, as administrators of this site we are not allowed to provide information about brand names or sales points. For more information, search for liquid green lip mussel for dogs on Google.

How do I make my dog's life with osteoarthritis more comfortable?

There are several tools available to the joints of your dog defecate . These can not only be used if your dog already has osteoarthritis. They also help in healthy joints quadrupeds occur . An orthopedic dog pillow is filled with memory foam for a comfortable location. This helps to reduce the load on the joints at rest. With a dog walker, your dog no longer has to make a joint-jerking jump out of the car. Even if your dog does not like to go outside, he or she does need outside air. With a dog bike trailer you can still go out with your four-legged friend.

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