Chronicles of Alan; Trixie and Max 8

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This is me playing with them yesterday 2017-09-02, Spent quite a bit of time with them, with Max trying to get on my lap!

Anytime I walk into the enclosure , Max runs to get something to play with ( Show off).

If I start playing with him , Trixie comes to interfere!

This afternoon I decided to take them for a Walk, which means I have to lock Charlie and Daisy and the 2 Miniatures , Yoda, and Zen in the Back. Fat Sid and Sheep , the 2 Cats are quite adept at getting out of the Way!

As soon as Max and Trixie hear me touch the Chains , they start yowling and going Mad.

They both try to get out without leashes , as their fervent desire is to cause as much havoc as they can!

As I tried getting the Choker system on Trixie she jumped at me and her Claws ripped the back of my hand open.


Nevertheless , I still took them for at least a 2 K walk , getting some strange looks when others saw Blood dripping from my Hand.

Needless to say, nobody wanted to come near to see if they could help?

In my next post , I have exciting news on My studio!

Hope you enjoyed a little interaction with some real wild dogs?

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