My Furry Boys - Sammy and King

I'd like to introduce my furry best friends, Sammy and King.

Sammy is a beagle mix (not sure exactly what else) who was a stray puppy that we found in our old apartment complex. The wife found him and I intended to take him to the shelter the next day. Then he looked me in the eyes with this face and the rest is history.

Note: The cute puppy and combat boots pic turned out to be case of mistaken identity. I think I may have shared the pic in the past but ,strangely enough, the puppy we would find 3 yrs later would resemble him even to the brown tags above the eyes and white area left of the snout. What a wild coincidence!

I appear to be having issues uploading the corrected pic. It may found on my Instagram alternatively.

I almost lost my little companion when he stayed over at my Grandmas with her German Shepherd got loose as well. After 3 days and an arduous and terrifying search, he returned to the relief of all the family.

King, a recent addition to the family, is an American Bully am told of the Razor's Edge bloodline. He is my big meat pillow and I love him. He seems a tad more intelligent than Sammy but a bit more mischievous. He loves to jump over a small fence that was intended to keep him out of our rock garden and mess with things.

Here is a recent pic of them playing with a toy I made.

Another pic.

Here's one around the time we first got King.

I love to take them jogging but it seems Kings endurance needs to be conditioned. That or he's just plain lazy. Seems to slink behind after mile 3 but he's been getting better especially after switching to the harness. I really really really want to teach him tug of war but he doesn't seem all that interested at the moment.

Hope you enjoyed this blog. Have an outstanding day!

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