Let's #DoSoftwareTogether with #DOGEZER - Public ITO Starts Feb. 15th!

Source: Dogezer

Dogezer, pronounced like together, is an aptly named platform where programmers can "Do Software Together", freeing themselves from hindering fundraising nightmares, and enabling them to get down to the booming business of software creation.

So, what is Dogezer exactly?

Simply put, it is a platform chock full of tools to help programmers create software collaboratively, and instead of raising capital in the traditional manner, you pay your team members with project-specific tokens or shares of your company. Brilliant!

Team members can trade their tokens back to the project owner in exchange for payment in either fiat, crypto, or company shares once the product starts generating income. It's a win-win all around and frankly, has opened Pandora's box for the programming industry across the board.

Source: Dogezer

Dogezer is revolutionizing the way software is created by putting the focus back on creation and saving socially awkward 😉 programmers from trying to wrestle with funding.

Dogezer comes nicely packaged with awesome features like a talent marketplace, a version control system, a document editor, task trackers, integrated messaging, and even cloud storage. The very talented Dogezer Team has seriously thought of everything to keep your projects running smoothly.

No start-up? No worries!

Even if you aren't ready to create the next Steemit, you can still signup in the talent marketplace and start earning by collaborating with a huge pool of skilled programmers from all over the world.

Oh, the possibilities!

What would I like to see on Dogezer? Well, I've seen this as a joke online somewhere but, think it would be awesome and I don't know why someone hasn't done this... a kind of Tinder app for local pet adoptions. Maybe have it setup where adoption agencies or even individuals can quickly upload the pet, and anyone looking to adopt can see all the pets near them in a simple app with some cool features and filters? Or what about someone seriously creating a blockchain for elections?

I personally will be considering an industry-specific app for contractors and subcontractors. I have been brewing about it for years out of frustration of not having decent software integration options within our own office. Dogezer to the rescue! Let's #dosoftwaretogether #dogezer!

Ready to signup?

Source: Dogezer

If you click this link here to Dogezer's website, you will be clicking on my referral link which will earn me 3% if you signup, and a smaller percentage of your referral signups. You too can get a referral link setup here and earn Ether straight to your wallet! So, you get paid to talk about this crazy awesome platform while also recruiting for it's amazing talent pool in which you can utilize... okay, great! Thanks Dogezer , y'all rock!

The other links throughout this article are not affiliated if you'd rather not participate.

Let me know below what you'd like to see on Dogezer!



DGZ Token

Get started today with the Alpha version!

This is my submission to @OriginalWorks' Dogezer writing contest.



Personalized branding media
courtesy of @grow-pro.

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