How To Make Your Pet Dog Understand Your True Love

We people absolutely love our pet dogs, we are not afraid to express our love to them. but all toys, comfy beds, treats, and fancy collars can't let our pet dogs know that how special they are to us.

But following the above techniques, we can make sure that our pet dogs will understand our love a lot more than we express.

Loads of love with Daisy and Donna the American Bullies

1. Attention

Pet dog needs face to face interaction, so if our dog tries to grab our attention when we were doing something for entertainment purpose ignoring them, keep that work aside for some time and pay attention to our pet dog and spend some time with our pet dog

Simba the Golden retriever dog seeking my attention towards him

2. Respect Dog’s Nature

Many dog owners discourage their pet dogs from their inherent behavior such as eating dirt, sniffing urine, sniffing other dogs from behind, or licking people. preventing them from their own nature may cause them anxiety and confusion.

Cookie the labrador retriever dog licking my face, Cookie’s own natural behavior

3. Rub Their tummy and ears

When we massage or tickle our pet dog's tummy or rub it behind their ears, they feel a sense of pleasure in their entire body. this is extremely relaxing, that’s why they close their eyes and drift into doggie’s heaven.

Ruthra the rottweiler dog enjoying tummy rub and massage

4. Lean Towards Them

The best way to comfort our dog and show our love to them is, just lean and move towards them, then they lean towards us, even though we feel happy about full-body hugs, it isn’t good for our pet dogs, sometimes they feel threatened or unwelcoming or feel trapped when we hug them.

Me leaning towards the Milo, chippiparai dog

5. Look Into Their Eyes

Make eye contact with our pet dogs, when we see their eyes and cuddle them or pat them or give treats or feed them, they feel really happy.

Eye Contact with Kiba the german shepherd puppy

6. Prepare Their Favorite Food

Prepare your pet dogs' special dish, it doesn’t mean you feed them too many treats and junk foods. preparing a meal for our best friends is also a great way to tell them that we love them.

7. Raise Your Eye Brows

When our pet dog raises its eyebrows and sticks its tongue out, it means that they are happy and relaxed, so just if we raise our eyebrows when we see them, they think that we are happy every time when we see them.

Raising my eye brows while making eye contact with Joe the beagle puppy

8. Talk To Them

Dogs understand a lot more about human speech than we think, they not only recognize the words of praise they also understand the person's voice itself and their tone.

Speaking with Kutty the great dane dog

9. Let Them Snuggle

Snuggling is awesome for dogs, but they never go for big hugs, they feel hugs uncomfortable and trapped. they like cuddling, they like to lie with us and relax. the close contact brings them closer to us and lets us show them that we love them

Glory the mongrel dog lying on me relaxing and sleeping

Originally posted on Vige.Dr. Hive blog powered by ENGRAVE.

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