How To Stop Your Dog Barking In Crate At Night


Dogs, barking in the crate, can be a self-rewarding behavior. So just hoping it will stop is not a great training plan. This is especially relevant other people will suffer due to the barking.

So let's give you some simple tips to stop your dog from barking in their crate at night. Then you and your enighbours can get to sleep
Now if you are struggling with your puppy barking in their crate overnight, then set some time aside during the day, to work through this behavior. However, if the only time that your puppy's going in their crate is at night while you're sleeping, then you may have found the solution to your problem right here.

Your puppy needs to understand that the crate is a safe, comfortable, happy place to be. No matter what the time of day and a great way to really instill and reinforce that sense, is by having them in their crate when you're watching TV or popping them in their crate during the day, when you're making lunch. Or at anytime that you think it would be better if your puppy were hanging out in their crate, maybe enjoying their favorite chew toy and you aren't able to supervise them, then put them in their crate. You really wanna build on the idea that, their crate is a great place for them to be, regardless of what time of day it is.

Chew toys are a great pastime for your puppy, when they're in their crate. And a really great way to keep them a little bit distracted and not so focused on the idea, that they've gotta remain in their crate. So maybe take their favorite, toy and pop it in the crate so that they have something to do if they're are not quite ready to go to bed yet.
If you're in the process of potty training your puppy, be sure that your puppy's not letting you know that they need to go tothe toilet. After you've established that your puppy doesn't need to go outside, then we're gonna talk about a couple of ways to interrupt the behavior that stops them barking and what you need to do next.

If you're struggling with your puppy barking away at night, it's really important that your puppy is within eyesight or earshot of you. So bring their crate into your bedroom or close to wherever it is that you're sleeping at night, because we're going to want to keep a close eye on that puppy and we're definitely going to want to be able to communicate with them when they are barking.

The first interrupter I want you to use is your voice. Now as we pointed out this barking can be a self-rewarding behavior for many dogs and puppies. So what you need to do is break them out of that cycle of that barking. So simply something like a short sharp hey! or NO! Something that's going to catch them off guard, interrupt the behavior and when they pay attention to that sound, you can begin to praise them. When they stop barking and they take a moment and they relax a little bit, you can tell them how good they're being for being quiet. Now some puppies won't even respond to the verbal. Whether they can't hear it over their barking, or it's not an acute enough interrupter. You'll often find for those puppies, tapping on the top of the crate or tapping on the side of the crate, is a sound that they're not expecting.
So the sound of tapping the dog crate is where they should break the cycle of barking by catching the off guard for a monet and try to see what made the sound. You're gonna have a moment to start to praise them for being quiet and it's important that you do lay on that praise when they are quiet because you really wanna capture the moment that they've made a good decision Now what if your sleeping arrangement doesn't allow your puppy to be within arms reach.

Well, I've got a trick for you. Simply clipping your leash to the door of your puppy's crate, or clipping a long line on to the door of your puppy's crate or the side of the crate, can be really helpful. This allows you, from a distance, to have good timing with that interrupter. If your puppy starts barking, you can jingle on that crate and the moment they investigate the sound, you can start to praise them for being quiet. But this allows you to be at a greater distance from your puppy and still be able to give them the information that that barking at night, isn't allowed.

By working on this exercise with your puppy, they're gonna very quickly figure our that, barking in their crate overnight isn't allowed and spemding time making this clear to them is going to be the resolution for them to relax and chillout in their crate.

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