How To Keep Your Big Dog Happy And Healthy

Is your best friend in pain and hiding it from you? How would you know if he were? Big dogs tend to have greater problems with arthritis and other mobility related issues, and many of them can hide their discomfort from you instinctively, thinking it makes them less of a good dog. It’s sad to think your big dog could be in pain, but there are a few things you can do to help prevent pain and help him live with it.

When your dog is a puppy, talk with your veterinarian about the best food to feed him for slow and calculated growth. Many large breed puppy formulations of dog food are calibrated to do just this. Growth that happens too fast can lead to greater problems down the road. Your veterinarian will know about all the issues specific to large sized dogs and will be able to help you come up with a plan.

Also take a look at your living environment. Hardwood and tile floors lack the traction big dogs need to keep from hurting themselves, so opt for carpet or put down slip resistant rugs. Make sure your dog has steps to get in and out of your bed and car, and most importantly invest in a good sturdy and orthopedic bed for him to sleep on to alleviate any pain or discomfort.

Learn more about caring for your big dog from this infographic. Is your best friend in pain? Learn more about the warning signs and how to take action!
big barker.png
Infographic Courtesy of Big Barker

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