How to cope with bored dogs

To make your dog physically and mentally healthy, you should prepare a selection of fun games and sports. No need to be difficult and complicated, just follow the 5 ways below.

  1. Invite to play
    Dogs that are bored usually have excessive energy. So, it would be nice to give your dog enough physical activity. Exercise does not mean you have to take it for a walk. You can invite him to play in the home page, such as throwing goods, hide and seek goods, or tug of war.

Take a different route while walking
Dogs are animals with high curiosity. Walking every day on the same route may make your dog no longer stimulated by curiosity. You'd better take a new route, so your dog can explore a new area and get good mental stimulation.

  1. Give your dog a job
    Who says pets can not help you? You can take your dog to help you work and give treats to him after he finishes. For example, you are in need of help to attract and move something. You can take your dog to help you. That way, he can perform physical and mental activities at once.

  2. Give new toys
    If you do not have time to accompany your dog on the move, it does not mean you can not help him. Give her a toy or replace her old toy with a new one. According to a study, dogs will feel bored with old toys. Choose toys that can invite interactions, like a ball for a catch-throw game.

  3. Make eating time fun
    Turning the time of the meal into a game will help the dog feel comforted. You can invite him to do something first, then afterwards give him food as a reward. You can also play hide and seek by hiding your dog food and telling him to find his food. image

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