Dog named Hachiko

Dog Hachiko - a symbol of loyalty, fidelity, attachment and love of a dog to man.

Have you already heard a true, emotional, and at the same time a wonderful and instructive story about the Achilles' dog, named Hachiko?

If you didin't, then read who was actually a magnificent dog Hachiko, why he entered the history and why he was proclaimed a Japanese national symbol of loyalty.

Born on October 10, 1923, on a farm near Odate.

At the time when Professor of Tokyo University, Hidesaburō Ueno brought him to his home, Hachiko was a puppy of just two months.

He grew up surrounded by the love of professor Uen whom he strongly linked, which will be shown in the continuation of his life.

Each day, with joy and enthusiasm, he watched his owner, Professor Uena, at Shibuya Railway Station, from where the professor went to work at a Tokyo university.

After passing it, Hachiko returned home and in the afternoon around 17h he would return to the train station where he was waiting for a train in which he would be the favorite person.

And so it was every day.
But this sad day came on May 21, 1925, when Hachik's wait turned into eternity.
On that day his lord did not appear.

The train came, Hachiko looked at all the train passengers, but the most important thing was not there.
The train went, the passengers departed, and Hachiko remained alone, confused, disappointed and sad.

Namely, Professor Hidesaburō Ueno had a heart attack and died at work on that day.
But Hachiko persisted to come and wait for his master to return.

The next day he waited faithfully, looking impatiently by checking every passenger out of the train.

So the next day .... months .......... and years.

For nine years, Hachiko came to the Shybuya train station waiting for the beloved person.
Even after the professor's family had given him rest, he did not forget Professor Ueno or the place where his master should appear.

He escaped from the new owners and continued to arrive at the station and faithfully wait, and after hours and hours of inadmissible waiting, he would go bareheaded in the unknown - himself and depressed.

From day to day, patiently, faithfully, devotedly, he was sitting unconditionally in the same place and waited.
Soon, among the everyday travelers, the story of the dog was widened, waiting in vain for his master who would never come again.

His food was not lacking, as his people brought meals and fresh water every day.
But sorry in his eyes nothing could have been deported.

Hachiko continued to arrive at the train station at 17h and wait - every day until his death.
He marched on March 8 and was found on Shibuya Street, a few minutes after 17h

Hachiko becomes a Japanese symbol of loyalty, loyalty, friendship and love of a dog to man, and in front of the Sybuyi railway station is still its bronze statue that was raised at the initiative of Hidesaburo Ueno's students.


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