Why I look forward to Jodie Whittaker becoming the next Doctor Who

To be honest, I am not entirely surprised by the show casting the first female actor to play The Doctor. Little hints were dropped the last few seasons, indicating that Time Lords do not adhere to a particular gender. Not to mention that The Master, The Doctor's biggest nemesis, returned as Missy three years ago, and was played brilliantly by Michelle Gomez. I loved Peter Capaldi's take on the twelfth incarnation of The Doctor (he now sits comfortably behind Tom Baker and David Tennant in my top three Doctors of all-time), and I am sad to see him leave, especially since he had great rapport with Pearl Mackie, who played his latest companion, Bill, this past season.

However, I am all in favor of change to a show that has stuck to a tried and true format for over 50 years, in terms of regenerating the character, once the lead actor departs, for various reasons. I enjoyed the new take on The Master in recent seasons, and I see no reason not to look forward to what Jodie Whittaker brings to the role. Woohoo for Doctor Who, so to speak, in taking a big step towards progress with this decision.

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