After 15 days of eating the fruit of diabetics will be eliminated


The number of people suffering from diabetes or diabetes is increasing day by day. Many diseases arise due to this disease. It is not only the elderly, but it is not. Children may also have diabetes. Diabetes occurs due to the incompatibility of sugar or sugars in the blood. This causes the body to lose immune system.

If we can live a controlled life, it is possible to control and prevent this disease. If you are using medicinal herbs described at the end of the article, you can live independently of this disease and live normal life. There are some signs of diabetes that they should go to the doctor.

  1. Frequent urination.
  2. Too much thirsty.
  3. Have more hunger.
  4. Weight loss despite eating enough.
  5. Feeling tired and weak.
  6. It's late to dry the wound.
  7. Visually less visible
    There are some foods that will control diabetes
  8. Nuts

Nuts are very nutritious food. By playing it regularly, the risk of death of various diseases decreases. Nuts have plenty of fiber, nutritious ingredients, and good material for heart. Nut disease resistance is a lot more. Researchers claim that taking 10 grams of nuts daily can also protect themselves from

  1. Seed
    Almond seeds are also useful for our body. For example, there is plenty of Omega-3. Sunflower seeds and pumpkin seed for diabetes patients are very beneficial. Playing the seeds of blood circulation is no

15 times the amount of diabetes that will last 10 days in the diabetes. Know the name of that

The fish have a lot of protein. Protein is very important for a healthy lifestyle, which is beneficial for diabetic patients. Fish have omega-3 and which reduce health risk. Eating fish is more beneficial for diabetic p

  1. Berry is a strawberry, blueberry, black fruit
    These fruits are one of the most nutritious food in the world. These are the components of Anthosyanens, which keeps the human blood in insulin balance and regulates blood sugar levels and Reduces the risk of diabetes. Diabetes is of two types, such as type-1 and type-2. Beri insulates insulin production for type-1 patients and raises blood sugar for type 2 patients. They are rich in antioxidants and fiber.
  2. Peas

Fiber or fiber diets are beneficial for diabetics. Peanut fiber is available in the peas. Peas keeps the level of blood glucose in the normal level.

  1. Brokley

Vegetable thing is beneficial for all people. But vegetables that are very important for diabetes patients are vegetables. Broccoli is a Vitamin-C rich compound that regulates blood sugar levels by fighting diabetes. Brokley is also very effective against heart disease.

  1. Leaf / cabbage
    Winter Vegetable Leaf Capsicum or Cabbage Pattakpi Bhaji is a popular food in our country. Especially meat with pakakapi soda isIt is very fun to mix carrots with carrots, tomatoes. Patakpi is much less carb. These vegetables reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and keep blood pressure of type-1 patients in control

  2. Avocado
    Mexico and Central America's fruit in Avocado But if it is cultivated then our soil can also be harvested. Avocados should be treated with medicines in all herbal medicines. Avocados control the amount of blood sugar in the body. It even struggle

  3. Tea
    Tea is a beverage rich in antioxidants. Green tea or green tea or color tea is beneficial for diabetes patients. However, sugar

  4. Apple
    In the words 'An Apple Evidence, Tips, Doctor Away' means - Eat an apple every day, you do not have to go to the doctor. Apple is a fruit resistant and nutritious. Approximately 50 percent of sugar in apples It reduces the risk of heart disease

  5. Garlic
    Many of the benefits of garlic. Along with cooking, garlic also works as a health-keeping drug. Garlic keeps control of cholesterol levels and

  6. Palanpur
    The spinach is very nutritious. It contains lots of antioxidants. More antioxidants are available while playing fresh and cooked boiled. Vitiligo diabetes is very beneficia

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