Dr Michelle Nelson - 105-911 Yates St, Victoria, BC : Unprofessional Rude and has really bad breath.

Many patients have had similar negative or strange unprofessional encounters with Dr Michelle Nelson of Victoria, BC Canada.

These are online reviews about Dr Michelle Nelson who practices medicine in Victoria, British Columbia .

After reading these reviews , it is reasonable to conclude that there is something seriously wrong with how Dr Michelle Nelson conducts herself while practicing medicine.

So many Patients couldn't possibly coordinate in collusion too all write the same negative medical experience . It is obvious these reviews are truthful reflections that describe accurately Dr Michelle Nelson's behavior while practicing medicine at Address: 105, 911 Yates St, Victoria, BC V8V 4X3

Note the date of these reviews. For almost a decade Dr Michelle Nelson has disgusted patients so immensity they felt the need to warn the public about her unprofessional demeanor .


If you google searched Dr Michelle Nelson after having experienced an unprofessional and or odd medical encounter please leave an account at this website to help warn others and add further records online that Dr Michelle Nelson seriously lacks not only class but has zero respect and not a speck of empathy for her patients or according to one review, even her own collages.

These are some of the actual reviews patients left about Dr Michelle Nelson. Her behavior is consistent and it is reasonable to conclude the College of Physicians and Surgeons of British Columbia is possibly negligent on not conducting a mental health evaluation on DR Michelle Nelson .


If you would like more information about the College's complaints process,
please visit www.cpsbc.ca or phone 604-733-7758 or 1-800-461-3008 (toll-free in BC).




With so many recent complaints about DR. Michelle Nelson some outside agency should evaluate her current mental state . She might just be getting old or maybe it's a possible undiagnosed brain tumor that is effecting her manners and professionalism but I can also attest I just had the most bizarre medical encounter in my life. I have seen 3 different Doctors from the same walk in clinic and ALL 3 doctors agreed I had a sever enough case of trigger fingers that I required multiple months off work. Dr Michelle Nelson was, in her words "shocked" that any of her fellow doctors would sign off on me needing time off work. She continued to tell me she has seen many people go to work with trigger finger. Besides not asking me what I did for work or even touching my hands, Dr Michelle Nelson condescending tone was obviously giving off the impression I was somehow scamming the system. When I directly asked if she thought was was faking my aliment Dr Michelle Nelson replied that she found it hard to believe that I was unable to work because of trigger finger. When I reminded her 3 of her fellow Doctors from the same clinic thought differently Dr Michelle Nelson's smirk confirmed to me she has zero faith in her colleagues abilities. At least that's how it came across tom me. Along with speaking out loud the words " shocked, bewildered, amazed" repeatedly, Dr. Michelle Nelson constant grinning with her gold braces in a strange agitated stance standing while looking in disbelief that 3 other doctors would consider trigger finger a reasonable aliment that required time off work made me feel very uncomfortable and offended. I'm unsure what further action can be taken to have this Doctor Michelle Nelson evaluated for competence but i want it noted in this complaint regarding her behavior towards me during my walk in visit today that when I told Dr Michelle Nelson I did not feel 100% confident I would be about to keep my grip if I was carrying something heavy at work because my hand still felt weak, Dr Michelle Nelson still insisted I could return to work immediately because my aliment was not serious enough for her to sign off on 2 more weeks off work . I want it timestamped that although I told Doctor Michelle Nelson I was worried I might hurt someone at work if my hands gave out because my left hand still locked randomly, Doctor Michelle Nelson refused to allow me a reasonable amount of time to fully recover after I had explained fully the history of this injury. If anyone is injure because my hands were not 100% recovered I would like it noted that Dr Michelle Nelson should be held liable for any undue hardships her medical opinion caused.

Submitted January 17, 2019


Something seriously wrong with this person. More than anything, she's proof that our medical system has deep-seated problems, and the worst doctors will get away with it, no matter who complains or how often. Run.

Submitted January 12, 2019


She told me I couldn’t have heart issues because I’m thin... in what realm does that make sense? If we weren’t so hard up for doctors I’d have found someone else, unfortunately that isn’t an option here. She replaced Dr. Duvenage who was amazing and she is absolute trash.

Submitted January 5, 2019


Terrible. The only upside to this excuse for a doctor is she makes me eagerly anticipate the replacement of doctors with robots and software.

Submitted December 30, 2018


Rushed, condescending and entitled. Just what you need after an hr of waiting. I will try to go to the walkin on her off days.

Submitted September 5, 2018


I saw Dr Nelson for a prescrion refill - my doctor was away. I refer to it as the worst Dr related experience of my life. She did everything but call my doctor an idiot and only gave me a partial prescription. Never again.

Submitted August 11, 2018


Easily the worst doctor I've encountered. Nearly killed my mother with misprescribed meds, acts like an entitled sociopath in office sessions.

Submitted July 1, 2018


Dr. Nelson needs to urgently see a psychiatrist...

Submitted January 25, 2018


Is she two different people? Hates doing walk-ins? I’ve had her twice and now won’t go to the walk-in if I know it’s her shift. She’s rude, dismissive, not thorough, and really seems to dislike humans. Maybe she should have gone into research or been a vet. I’ll never know if she’s had a personality transplant as I won’t see her again.

Submitted January 11, 2018


For a leg injury, toe to knee, this doctor tells you to take another appointment for the knee or the toe that's badly injured. She didn't even advice on what to do or not to do and walked out of the consultation room. When questioned for further information, she said she can't help me and to come back with another appointment. Which doctor does this? She also mentioned she can't waste time speaking with me. This is my worst experience thus far with a doctor. The receptionists apologized to me instead.

Submitted September 24, 2017


I hardly need to see my family doctor but when I needed her help, she spent less than 3 minutes with me. She didn't take a history or do a physical exam, as every physician should . This is very poor patient care and will be my last visit to her.

Submitted December 13, 2016


I saw her at the Yates clinic because my regular doctor was away. I will never see her again. I felt like I was being interrogated for something criminal.

Submitted October 13, 2016


Dr Nelson is a nightmare. She lacks curiosity, manners, and empathy. Her bedside manner is bad enough, but she's also astoundingly unhelpful. Given she hates people & has such contempt for them, it does make me wonder why she went into medicine? I've never had a doctor with such an unfortunate mashup of poor social skills & weak diagnostic skills.

Submitted September 10, 2016


Borderline manners. Unpleasant and cold. She seems used to being challenged and treated me like an "street addict". Very dismissive. I work in the medical industry and would never think of treating people in that manner. I wanted to ask her why she became a doctor? She does not seem to enjoy it very much. She seems to either hate her life, hate her job or even hate herself?? There seems to be no kindness in her face, manner or ways. She should have gone to art school.

Submitted June 15, 2016


While she has decent bedside manor most of the time she can also be rude, condescending and dismissive. This seems to be hit or miss depending on the day. The biggest issues I have found are when you don’t agree with her on what course of treatment should be done, you suggest an alternative or ask for a second opinion. She becomes angry and hostile, which is really off putting from someone who works with families with kids and the elderly. With all the medications out there that contradict each other, it’s scary to think that a mistake could be made because you were too scared of your doctor’s unpredictable mood to question her. I’d highly recommend some additional customer service training for this doctor.

Submitted May 4, 2016


This person is an angry, cynical joke of a doctor. The girls working the checkouts at the store nearby are more professional than she is. Just wow.

Submitted December 20, 2015


I really want to ask her why she became a doctor, since it's apparent she doesn't care about her patients. Warning to everyone who visits this clinic, if you're under 40, she wont even prescribe you Flinstones MultiVitamins without treating you like a drug addict. Absolute waste of time.

Submitted November 26, 2015


This doctor is very unwilling to help her patients and listen to their symptoms, issues, and inquiries. She is dismissive right from the moment she enters the door. I've had the misfortune of seeing her twice now and both times she was beyond unhelpful and I've had to see a different physician to deal with my issues, that she was unable to due to her ability to quickly dismiss your symptoms or severity of your issue. Definitely call this clinic to make sure she isn't on shift when you go in!

Submitted November 23, 2015


I had the misfortune of seeing her yesterday, I suffer from anxiety with regards to doctors , so i tend to put things off, but i have arthritis, and insomnia, and was almost out , she came in telling me i was not prescribed the meds, they had the wrong doctors info, i had just moved from nanaimo, of course if she had listened to me for one minute, i had given her all the info on a paper, which she would not look at, she yelled, and was so nasty, and my anxiety went full tilt, then i couldnt answer, i was in tears, she kept being rude, she pretty much accused me of not having the illness, { i apparently diagnosed myself wrong and subscribed the wrong meds, } and then gave me a prescription for 30 days, I had to try and remember every doctor i had ever seen and the names at whatever medical building they were at, which i could not really do , My anxiety was huge, and im here all alone , so no one to call or be with , im still so screwed up today, and have no idea what im going to do, she wouldnt even look at my hands but was insinuated i did not have arthritis , i guess i disfigured them all by myself as well, horrible horrible woman, and doctor,

Submitted September 24, 2015


I saw Nelson this morning for a simple birth-control pill refill. I got to the clinic 15 minutes before it opened, and there were already 7 people waiting ahead of me. I ended up having to wait for over an hour and half (not Nelson's fault, obviously, just commenting on how busy this walk-in can be). I had my pills filled in the U.S. and the brand name is different from what's available in Canada. I brought my empty pack with me so she could make sure the Canadian pills were equivalent. She was in the room with me for literally 90 seconds, didn't ask any questions, and left me open-mouthed and upset that I hadn't had a chance to ask her about other issues I was concerned about. She was already in with the next patient so I couldn't talk to her. I went to the pharmacy immediately after, only to find that she had prescribed the wrong drug. The pharmacist had to call her and switch the medication to the correct one. Thank goodness I had asked the pharmacist to double-check! It's scary think that an elderly person, or even just a TRUSTING person, would accept the meds and end up taking the wrong drug for who knows how long. Terrible, terrible care.

Submitted September 21, 2015


I was disappointed to learn that the more negative reviews of this doctor were accurate. She is disinterested, dismissive, lacking empathy/compassion. I would suggest avoiding her if seeing a caring physician is important to you. The clinic staff were very kind and helpful, however.

Submitted July 31, 2015


Appalling. Avoid at all costs. Prior reviews have covered everything wrong with this person thoroughly enough, though I'd add "utterly unprofessional" to the list alongside "inexplicable, unconcealed contempt" and "bedside manner like Nurse Ratched's evil twin."She was nasty from the moment she entered the room, so at least we can say that she distributes her particular nastiness evenly among whoever happens to have the misfortune of drawing this bozo in the walk-in clinic lottery (as opposed to this bozo targeting specific groups or a particular gender or whatever). So at least she's not a bigot, no, she hates us all the same, she's truly a "generalist" in more ways than one. As to the positive review two before this one, I'd note that Ms. Nelson ("Doctor" is an honorific she simply doesn't deserve) is Australian and "query" is a word in general, everyday use in Australian English, but not so much in Canada, where we're much more likely to say "problem" or "question" or "concern"... in other words, I'm agreeing with the review immediately below this one that she, or some ally of hers, is writing the positive reviews you see here. Avoid, and if you simply can't, DO NOT ACCEPT POOR TREATMENT FROM THIS INDIVIDUAL AND LODGE A FORMAL COMPLAINT IF SHE DOES IT!! One complaint of bad treatment won't go anywhere, it's true. More than one, and more all the time, EVENTUALLY will... even in Canada, which hopefully this sinister individual will eventually learn to her dismay.

Submitted July 25, 2015


Dr Nelson must have a heck of a Jekyll and Hyde personality, or else she's writing the positive reviews herself. I went in to get migraine medication and (despite it being in my file that I get migraines) she gave me an Elvis sneer and said "and why have you" snort-laugh "decided you have migraines?" Er, because of the pain on one side, the photo-sensitivity, the nausea, the puking. And because her colleague has been treating me for them for years. She's rude, unhelpful and does not seem to like people. The sort of person who should have gone in for research vs general practice.

Submitted July 25, 2015


Extremely unfriendly, no compassion, doesn't listen or inquire further when I present her with a concern, gives the impression that she thinks that I'm lying, and rushes me out of the door leaving me feeling ashamed for going in the first place. I will never go back.

Submitted May 21, 2015


This is one useless clown of a doctor. Came in almost an hour late, I'm used to that so I can forgive it with doctors, but then puts on this little performance of outright condescension and contempt... and then gets my prescription wrong, after I'd had to correct her about how the medication actually works. Wow. If this is the kind of doctor and service we can expect with the Boomers retiring (she's relatively young), I'm frankly a bit scared.

Submitted May 9, 2015


Totally useless, condescending and disinterested. I went in to enquire about perimenopause and she kept reiterating the same explanation of what defines menopause. Why do some doctors assume patients are dim-witted w/o any evidence of this. Instead of asking about my symptoms she just kept defining menopause. Thanks doc, not helpful. No exam, no questions, just said with a nasty smirk "we try not to panic about it" and told me to put up with "it". Course she didn't know what "it" entailed as she hadn't bothered to ask. Utter waste of time, dispiriting, and I still have no idea if my symptoms are normal (googling gives the predictable range from "normal" to cancer and all advise seeing a dr straightaway when you have the symptoms I do).

Submitted February 27, 2015


I came to Doctor Nelson as a University student dealing with some new and frightening physical issues and she treated my concerns as unfounded paranoia. She did not offer advice or help although when leaned upon heavily by other physicians in the practice grudgingly referred me to a specialist (who was also skeptical and unsympathetic, but that is another story). I haven't gone to her in over a year now and will never, ever go back. In my opinion she is too wrapped up in her own life problems to be practicing medicine as it should be practiced.

Submitted March 13, 2014


A real nasty piece of work, what she completely lacked in empathy & a bedside manner she made up for in sheer rudeness, disrespect, sarcasm & a condescending attitude. My partner & I were greeted at Yates & Quadra in Oct 2013 with a look of disdain as I gave as much information as I could during my appt. Relevant info such as my diagnosed Hypothyroidism & the fact I have suffered with Chronic Neutropenia since 2005. I hoped for some insight into a possible sleep disorder which I feel I have been enduring for many years now. She scrunched up her face during the appt, considering the long wait she couldn't wait to leave the room. I didn’t appreciate her dismissing my symptoms & sarcastically saying "its depression" tapping her head & with a smirk "you should think about that". The most unbelievable comment was delivered at the end where she flippantly said “I have only just met you, you've told me all this stuff, it’s probably a mental illness". Utterly tactless & unprofessional. AVOID.

Submitted February 8, 2014


I saw her once when I participated in a BC study for cervical cancer and she did the pap test. AWFUL-rude, sarcastic-that was two years ago and I will never go back. I am suppose to go back to her again for another check up as part of the study but no way will I go to her. One of the worst doctors I have ever been to. If a ten minute encounter was that bad I can not imagine seeing her for anything serious. Stay away!

Submitted January 6, 2014


She was very short and rude with me when I visited, and offered very little help aside from offering strong drugs with a plethora nasty side effects. Side effects which she didn't even attempt inform me about, I had to ask myself at the end of the visit, and she only listed a few of MANY as though it was an annoyance to her and they were nothing I should even be concerned about. She didn't ask about activities I involve myself in, and these drugs could have been very dangerous if not accidentally deadly in regards to my hobbies and past-times nor did she mention that one should not even drive on said drug. I felt she is not a doctor that genuinely cares for my well being, and is seemingly more concerned about pushing pharmaceuticals on patients to turn them over quickly. I will NEVER return to see her again.

| Submitted July 22, 2013


this doctor is the worst doctor i've ever encountered in my life. i struggle with recurrent uti's, i know what im dealing with as it has been the bane of my existence for over ten years. ive seen her twice now and she treats me as though i am ignorant to my own body. i ask her questions regarding further treatment aside from antibiotics and she will sarcastically smirk at me and offer no information, though i've gotten information/suggestions she should have been able to give me from other doctors. she looks at me with attitude and arrogance and i feel extremely uncomfortable talking to her about anything. ive never interacted with anyone so rude and dismissive. on my last visit, she refused to refer me to a urologist because i missed my last appointment (due to work) and she said that was "rude" of me so they wouldn't want to see me ever again. she mis-prescribed my medication, didn't ask any of the concerns related to the prescription that were necessary and now i may have to go back.

Submitted May 10, 2013


Dr. Nelson has been dismissive and rude every time I've seen her at the Yates & Quadra walk-in clinic. She tried to take me off a medication that is managed by a specialist. I would have been very sick if I'd followed her advice.

Submitted March 19, 2013


This supposed doctor should not be practicing medicine. I know of three individual cases where she prescribed non-existant medication, misdiagnosed a serious infection or didn't recognize a fractured hand causing unnecessary pain for the patient. This woman needs her medical practices reviewed by a qualified panel of doctors, to determine the extent of her incompetence. Please take this review seriously. I have been polite and factual in the words written here.

Submitted July 13, 2012


Doesn't listen, jumps to conclusion.. after having an appointment and waiting 45 mins, she shooed me out in 3 minutes without even listening. This is not the first time this has happened; I now gladly travel 40 mins to see a different dr.

Submitted November 3, 2009


went in with a back injury couldn't straighten up she didn't x-ray or even look at it just told me to go home a relax back still bothers me from 2 years ago

Submitted February 23, 2007

If you have experienced any mistreatment like the patients Dr Michelle Nelson treated above, please be a proactive citizen and hold DR Michelle Nelson accountable for her disturbing profession behavior. For more then a decade people who needed help were either neglected or insulted by this medical professional . It's not right. We now have a tools to help keep unfit and horrible doctors like DR Michelle Nelson responsible for their actions.

Do you part. Take the time to write you our review or make a formal complaint to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of BC.

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