Heavy Smokers! This Food Is Powerful To Clean Lungs From Toxins And Nicotine


The more accumulation of free radicals that come from cigarette smoke, it will gradually burden the lung organ performance. Meanwhile, if the collision of toxins / toxins in the body is not immediately cleaned, it will have an impact on damage to organs, to the cause of the growth of cancer cells.

Therefore, if you want to do therapy to neutralize lung organs from toxins from cigarettes and other foreign substances, try eating the following healthy foods:

It is advisable for heavy smokers to consume grapefruit regularly. Antioxidant compounds in grapefruit will play an active role in preventing the growth of cancer cells in the lungs. In addition, grapefruit also acts as an antidote to free radicals / toxins that settle in lung organs.

Watermelon Fruit, Spinach and Sweet Potato
These three foods contain a natural compound of Selenium which also carries Vitamin E nutrients. These two compounds function in strengthening the presence of membranes in the lungs. If you are diligent in eating spinach, watermelon or sweet potato (boiled), it will help improve lung organ performance, and minimize the presence of toxins that accumulate.

Not surprisingly, pomegranates include fruits that contain the highest antioxidants than other fruit types. The role of active substances in pomegranates will launch blood supply in lung organ, as well as prevent foreign substances and toxins that interfere with its performance. By eating pomegranates, it will reduce the negative impact of cigarette smoke.

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