Drow Paladin finished


After a bit more work on it iv finally finished the Token art for my new-ish D&D character
Qullan Mizzrym,
Dark Elf Paladin of the Demon Queen of spiders.


For my first complete digital painting in a long ass time im pretty surprised by how well this actually turned out, i was expecting it to crash and burn around the halfway mark.

So in the campaign iv introduced this character into, my previous character that i had been playing since the start died in a heroic sacrifice sorta way, and when thinking up his replacement i realised that the circumstances of the campaign was affording me a pretty rare oppurtunity as far as typical D&D campaigns go.

BAsically the current circumstances of the story see the dwindling human (and elf and dwarves and the like) civilisation facing impending and insurmountable threats from the Drow, an undead empire, eldritch horrors from the Far Plane, and a recent edition of a resurgent mad God.
As things have developed a tenuous alliance has been formed with the Drow as they agree that those other three are much worse, specially the mad god bit. Naturally this alliance is all sorts of untrustworthy and chock full of dramatic tension.

So being the shit-stirrer that i am i decided to bring this dramatic tension right into the main party, also taking the chance to play a character you really would normally play. See Qullan here is evil, literally her alignment in Lawful evil, she is the faithful servant of an evil god.
Under normal circumstances the party would probably kill her within about 5 minutes of having met her.

But there are much bigger threats around, and Qullan here has been sent to assist the party since they seem to keep winding up in amongst the most calamitous events, with the side edition of maybe a few shady bonus objectives if certain circumstances arise.

Its been just delightful to have the banter of the entire party flipped on its head, as the party frequently make it clear they dont care to much for this new member, and Qullan is happy throw the sentiment right back at them. Couple that with now playing a character largely devoid of a sense of humor (which for me is shockling difficult to play), and the party now having a voice for far more...lets say expedient (read: inhumane) solutions to immediate problems, and Qullan has just been a joy to play as.
Lets see how long it lasts till the party kills her, lol.

Oh also she has a Seeing Eye Dire-Wolf, and if you dont think thats the coolest shit then i dont know what to tell you.

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