Welcome to Fenrir a D&D Campaign Dairy

I have recently finished my first D&D(dungeons and dragons, if you don't know) campaign. it was a great success what started out as 3 friends nerding out on a saturday with some beers delving deeper into the Druaga dungeons. It has now become a group of about 6 and we're about embark to a whole new world, Fenrir.

Going forward I would like to share our experiences and fun with everyone here on steemit through campaign dairies, where I will share what happened in the previous session(s) and my thoughts as the DM on how it worked out vs my planned story. I hope everyone will enjoy the shenanigans that my group of players tends to get up to and that these dairies help/encourage other DM's with building and sharing their own worlds.

Currently the group is taking a small hiatus to prepare for the outset of Fenrir and we will be doing a session 0 in about a week or two. I have given each player a small handout that goes over basic information(from a human's POV) of Fenrir and some of the major groups and people that inhabit the land.

So without further delay I present to you the world of Fenrir, I hope you will follow along with the adventures to come.

(handout sent to players)
Welcome to Fenrir. A wondrous land of adventure and intrigue. The land has been civilized over the past few centuries through war and expansion. Many small villages, bustling trade towns and majestic castle cities dot the landscape proving that the influence and greed of humans stretches far and wide. Villages and towns boomed into a great nation, harvesting the abundant resources surrounding them. As they grew the native clans, and tribes of Dwarfs and Elves took note. While not always on the friendliest of terms, due mostly to past and constant tension over human expansion over Fenrir, they have accepted the current human settlements and culture, beginning a boom of trade and an era of prosperity for those who aspired to greatness. Taking mostly to the main land the humans constructed the Capital of Solice in the region now known as Sovereign. A great High road crosses the rolling planes connecting the major human cities of Fenrir. To the east lays the founding coast of Fenrir, The Cairn Coast and the bustling Valen Port. To the west Gale of the Winter Steppes and Forengar in the mountainous region it is named after


Humans :
The newest race to Fenrir they started settling on the Cairn Coast roughly 600 years ago.
Rapid expansion caused many battles to be fought and won against elves and dwarves for their survival and prosperity. Presently they have many cities,towns and villages, throughout Fenrir and relations are calm with the other races. Many human cities are bustling hubs of culture and trade.

Main Groups – The silver hand(thieves guild), Valen Court, Solace Council, King Taemril(king of Solace), Morrows Dawn, Solite's Dawn Gaurd(religious Paladin order), Inquisitor Caythar, Thuune's Tides(religious navy order), Torsky Knights, Torsky family

By far the oldest race, at least on the surface of Fenrir. The elves live quite lives among the many forests and mountainous regions of Fenrir. Since the coming of humans however the elves have fought to protect the fey who both bless and curse the lands. Many small elven villages exist solely for this purpose.

Main Groups – The Harolds (keepers of memory), Noctora(Religious order), the Caldaen Wise Council, The Forgotten(Thieves Guild), King Forrent(king of Caldae), The Trill, The Valem, The Corvals.

By far the oldest race, at least under the surface of Fenrir. The dwarves busily work their mines under Kazen Rast and the Corack mountains. Though the Corack dwarves have not been heard from in sometime the dwarves of Kazen Rast have begun trade and treaty with the town surrounding the Torsky Castle.

Main groups – The Dragoons Furnace(smithy guild), High King Yuron(king of Kazen rast), Kings of the Deep Forge

Orcs and Goblins:
Orcs and Goblins have been causing unrest throughout Fenrir since long before the humans arrived. Many roaming bands fight among themselves for territory. By far the worst encounter with these savage races is the Vorcal Meeting when the two races formed a pact to summon Cozack Renfir into the material plane some 200 years ago.

Main groups – Grenbull tribe, Hucktate tribe, Duidare tribe, Cozack tribe, Torfad tribe

People of Import

Gelham Family – Owners of a wealthy ranch where many beasts of burden are raised and sold they are also known for taking in orphaned animals and training large ones as mounts most famously is their dire wolf Shem

Vanwick – A well known but hardly understood elf who wanders the lands of Fenrir. Searching for something or just raving mad he has continued his trek for the previous 150 years

The Burning Bones – A mercenary group that travels throughout Fenrir. These days they are kept busy helping town after town with orc and goblin incursions for some spare coin of course

Jill – a dwarven smithy, she spends most of her time in the forge crafting the most elegant blades and armaments found on the Cairn Coast and possibly Fenrir

Farengor – a wild elf exiled from his tribe some time ago, for reasons unknown today he is rumored to have last been seen crossing the corack mountains, dread seems to hang around him and rumors of people meeting him having nightmares and delusion until they finally claw their own eyes out

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