Letter to My Unborn Grandchildren – Number 3 – Who is Papa (Physically)?

Until now all I have discussed is concepts rooted in the ethereal; and not the tangibles that make up your grandfather. It is important that we understand it is the energy within us that will survive eternally. As I considered all the different shades that make up the ones I love it dawned on me that I have not shared with you the many different races and cultures that make up the man who is your grandfather.

Luckily, during my lifetime science has developed the ability to examine one’s DNA and tell you from which parts of the globe your physical being emerged. I find that exciting because I have always held onto the mantra “There has to be something more to life than this (whatever current circumstances I’ve found myself battling).” Although that is more of an outward search, having my DNA examined helped satisfy that need from within. So here goes.

Your Papa’s physical makeup comes from these regions of the world in descending order of percentage: British & Irish; French and German; Scandinavian; Southern European; Ashkenazi Jewish; Sub-Saharan African; East Asian and Native American. And to boot, I have more Neanderthal variants in my DNA than 70% of the customers of the company I used to examine my DNA; which is about 4% of my total DNA. That definitely explains some of the successes I have when training my body physically. When I read the results of my DNA it was impressive, but along with the written results they provided a world map that shaded the areas from which my ancestors originated. When I saw that representation, it became clear to me why I have, from a very young age, been curious about all points on the map. The genesis of my life-long global perspective became clear.

Although my appearance is that of a plain old white dude; I am a firm believer that our DNA records experiences and passes them along to future generations. When seeking answers to why I’ve always considered various global perspectives, that was the only explanation I could come up with. Having such curiosity for those various cultures who populated our planet led me to the conclusion that I must have some very interesting DNA markers, regardless of my ordinary vanilla countenance.

What’s more interesting is that how much my appearance actually affected my energy/soul/chi; even though they are mutually exclusive inputs into the human that I am. Our bodies are vessels to be steered upon the ocean of life in a path that suits the soul in order to propel it into an advanced state of consciousness upon death. Throughout that journey we must process all of the inputs and stimuli we encounter; discard that which is contrary to our betterment, and embrace the good.

Only when I changed the perspective on which I viewed the earth did it make sense to me. You see kids, the battle that rages daily is for your perspective on life. If those who control the world can also control your view about yourself and your surroundings, they also control you.

A major factor in developing my ability to connect with the universe happened when I learned of the “third eye” as established by far eastern cultures. We all possess one in our Pineal Gland. That’s when my perspective began to shift from viewing myself as a human scurrying about on an “ant hill” of a planet, to that of being a vital part of the universe; viewing the silliness of human behavior from above. Please make sure you educate yourself about your Pineal Gland, and how to cleanse it. I’ve read articles that mention the Nazis used fluoride to dull the senses of this gland, and better control the German population. Once I’ve better educated myself about that possibility I will definitely share it with you. Your connection to the universe might depend on it.

As your perspective moves to the more ethereal you’ll begin to view the earth for what it is, a colony of manipulated beings. Take a skyscraper for example; is the grander accomplishment the edifice itself, or the fact the developer stimulated humans to wish to hive like bees within its confines? Life’s accomplishments are very important, and the many times I’ve been to New York I’ve stood at the base of some amazing buildings and marveled at the immense dedication and work that went into constructing such an impressive structure. However, I could never see myself wanting to exist anywhere other than a place where I can commune with nature. The ability to view our planet from above makes that analogy so easy to behold.

Religion has made an attempt to help the great unwashed massed (tongue in cheek) understand that there is something greater than our existence on earth. However, scriptures command us to drop to our knees and look up, when I feel strongly that we should be hovering above; assessing life below and whether or not we wish to partake in the aptly named rate race. I believe that if we live genuine lives, upon our deaths we will be given the choice of whether we want to return to earth or move on to a greater awakening. I’ll touch on that more in future correspondence.

Finally, I’ll share a story of when I was still a highly manipulated human, but nearing the change in perspective that would increase my level of happiness with who I am (versus how society wishes to define me). My mother-in-law and I had diametrically opposed political views. We were in a bit of an argument, when she stopped and said, “You really don’t like me much, do you?” My response was the most organic feeling I’d felt until that point in my life. “Nana, I love you more than anything in the universe. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have (your grandmother) in my life. It’s all about perspective.” The words that came from my mouth, stunned even me, but from that moment forward I’ve employed the universal perspective increasingly to my satisfaction with who I am as a man.

Until we meet!

Love, Papa

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