Exploring DMT.

The chemical N, N-Dimethyltryptamine raises many intriguing questions. One such query is why are geometric patterns witnessed by a large portion of its users? The universal nature of these visuals likely requires that this imagery be reflective of something built into our body or it would not be a ubiquitous experience. Perhaps this psychedelic projects the mind within our genetic structure presenting visual stimuli representative of information stored in that arena. Or possibly the journey goes deeper within and what is being seen is, in fact, the quantum world. This would mean that these shapes are visions of the smallest physical components that construct ourselves and the cosmos?

One theory regarding the spectacles associated with DMT is that the substance opens a perceptual gateway to some other realm. If that is true then it would be one of the greatest discoveries in history. With regards to meeting alien entities whilst visiting this place, we must ask whether these experiences are actual external phenomena or simply figments of the imagination. If consistent forms appear it could imply that they are genuine creatures but accounts made by those taking these mystical journeys do vary. Were multiple individuals to describe contact with for example, a mythical animal associated with a foreign culture that they are not familiar with, this would give weight to the idea that these lifeforms are real.

As noted in the attached article one method for verifying the independent existence of these creatures would be for the subject of the experiment to ask 'them' to provide accurate information such as a complex mathematical equation that they themselves cannot explain. This method is however flawed as it relies on many likely incorrect assumptions namely that these beings are of higher intelligence than the individual interacting with them. The simple act of exploring other dimensions does not imply that the life we greet there is necessarily the equivalent of a scientist or some other intellectual profession here. In fact, it is just as likely that these beings whilst otherworldly know as much of their own home as we do of ours and therefore may not 'hold all the answers' so to speak. To put it another way, the 'Machine Elves' or 'Praying Mantis Aliens' that people report conversing with whilst under the influence may be the plumbers of their celestial plane, although those who have these interactions often describe these things as seeming to have higher knowledge. It is also worth noting that believing that the first sentient creatures we meet are some sort of ambassador figures is an unfounded expectation.

So is it the case that this molecule transports the mind to some other realm or that it enhances human senses allowing data from that location to enter our awareness, or is it all in the head? Some scientists speculate that particles are both in one place and dispersed across space simultaneously implying that there exists a degree of connectivity. If that is so then the idea of telepathic signals being received from across the great expanse of our reality is not so absurd.

To finalise I will state that the desire to explore is one of the most admirable human traits. With that in mind I encourage those who's careers focus on the pursuit of knowledge to embrace this bizarre plant extract as its strange effects may contain answers to many mysteries.


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