My Acacia Maidenii DMT producing Australian Acacia plant (2% DMT of dried plant material!) 2 ounces of leaves = 1 gram of good DMT!

My Australian acaciaMaidenii with high DMT plant that has some of the highest #dimethyltryptamine levels at 2% in the leaves and roots and stems etc... was listening to joerogan with dennismckenna onjoeroganexperience lol talking about how high the dmt levels are! And I bought this on eBay a long time ago and I'm glad it's still growing! I didn't have it in the ground now I do so it will get hue into a tree again like it used to be! I really want this one to grow so I can harvest its leaves like this bag which is 2% DMT (these leaves have little water and already feel dried! can literally smoke this stuff and feel the dmt... aboriginal people from australia would do sweat lodge sessions smoking piles of these dmt leaves! So basically if I can collect 50grs of this plant matter basically 2 ounces of leaves and that's 1 grams of DMT! This was the dmt acacia burning bush Moses tripped on in old testament!

Here is where Acacia Maidenii grows natively in the East Coast of Australia!

Ima make clones of this plant and im gonna order some more rooted cuttings from Australia where they grow naturally! Australians are lucky to have millions of dollars worth of DMT in their backyards! Dmt containing acacia plants grow naturally in Australian coast and in Brisbane for example acacia maidenii like this one are growing everywhere and u can collect leaves sustainably without harming the plant u can harvest its leaves and they will grow them back! U can really collect pounds and pounds of dried crushed acacia leaf powder that will be 1-2% DMT so for every two ounces u can get about 1 gram of DMT! So u can just sell these leaves as acacia "supplement fiber" powder lol like from "piping rock health" they sell cheap bottles of acacia fiber powder 12 oz for $7.43 so u can get an ounce of acacia for $20 and get 1 gram of DMT from it if u extract it right! Wow hahaha if u wanna make ur own dmt u could be unstoppable!

There's billions of dollars worth of DMT out there naturally growing in plants! In North America we have lots of DMT but mostly 5meoDMT growing in the Phalaris reed grass aka Cannary Reed Grass and if you had a simple way to convert 5meoDMT to just n,N.DMT and get rid of the 5meo you could make a lot of DMT from North American wild plants too and here in San Diego we actually HAVE many Australian acacia plants growing wild here ! Especially at Balboa park and san diego

If you live in Australia start collecting these Acacia plants! There are a few other that have DMT just search for DMT Acacias and you'll find many that have enough DMT to make collecting leaves profitable! You can blend these up into powder and sell it online as innocent acacia fiber powder!

if you live on the south east coast of Australia start collecting these leaves and grow your own cuttings in your yard! collect leaves and sell them online! You can use a juicer to extract the dmt with just water! no chemicals needed..u can even just smoke the dried acacia leaves for actual dmt effects!!!

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