Don't follow spammers like I was... I hope... grrr... I'm not done yet.


This is not Instagram, Twitter or whatever non-Steem bull shit. It's best to follow authentic quality content creators and those who support authenticity that we non-spammers prefer. Support neighbors that defy the abusers. Get creative and think of how you can help maintain a balance here. Hide while you help if you want!!!


Short Story:

Back in September 2017, when I first started, I thought it would be smart to follow as many people as possible.

I was perpetuating MADNESS!
I was following a bunch of spammers!
I was mistaken and I have no excuse other than, "because we can."


I was a BecauseWeCanster too.

Misguided BecauseWeCansters should be expected. Their behavior is a symptom of the systems obvious exploit. Software development isn't a perfect art and rarely has enough QA support.

Just because we can doesn't mean we should. We can't always see how our actions are off the backs off other potential beneficiaries. You know, the bigger win-win dynamic. For example, you can jump off a bridge if you want, but it's not nice to the stuff you land on and your mom will probably be pissed off. Lots of family will wonder what they did wrong.

On the flip-side, we must also be carful about supporting spammers. Don't be lazy. Follow them back because of the genuine appreciation you have for their presence and content.



Flag those copy and paste comment spam motherfuckers and if you don't think it's worth your time, try mentioning @steemflagrewards in your constructive comment back to that spammer.

I personally upvote anti-spam comments when I see them. Give support, show your thanks with that upvote button.


View post on dMania


Posted with DMania!

Edited with Steemit!

Also edited with Esteem because I wanted a better thumbnail preview image than that black line. Next time I'll edit below the original meme image.

That cat up there is Dusty Cat. You can find him under the hashtag peeoop... especially on Instagram. If for some perfectly normal reason you want Dusty to have some of your money, send it to me and I'll buy him stuff too.



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