
Good morning steemit
On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction about who I am. My name is Rizki setiawan. I was the first of three children. I was born in aceh, 28 march 1998. Currently my family and I live in nisam kab, aceh north province aceh repubik indonesia
Speaking of hobbies, of course I have a soccer hobby. I can come from elementary school grade 4, Because my love for Indonesian soccer player, I also have ideals to make my old orng proud, my dream become a doctor hopefully my goal can be achieved,
I have 2 siblings who are still in elementary school. My syahrulkiram name and saryulis. They are twins. As the name implies the first child, of course I have to guide my siblings to grow well. My father worked as a leading farmer who kept him too busy, even my mother worked in the hospital which also kept her busy enough to look after her. So, because I am the older sister of my sister, have to take care of them because they are still small
Mmm ... I guess that's all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much for steemit ,. I thank you. @Steemit @bloggersteem @bigconin

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