DLive | Transparency Report #1 - April 19, 2018

Welcome to the very first @DLive Transparency Report.

DLive is constantly listening to the feedback of the Community, whether it's positive or negative. Our teams are always looking for ways to improve your overall experience as a user and bring new users to our platform.

The purpose of this report is to inform, not only the DLive Community but the Steemit Community as well.

We have never done a formal introduction on our Teams and its Members. We wanted to start off with the organizational structure in our first report. The DLive Team is split into 2 Business Units.


DLive Executive Team

The DLive Executive Team is lead by, none other than our Founder, Kent (@wa7). This team also includes Cole (@nassarme) and Olivia (@killerannie). The Executive Team overlooks all Products, Development, Research and Public Relations.

Development Team

Development is lead by @nassarme.

The primary focus of this team is to develop The Next Generation of Live Streaming, and Video Community on the Steem Blockchain. We strive to offer the best experience as a content creator and a viewer. This platform was built for the community.

The team has been working around the clock to improve your overall experience as a user. Some of the features that are currently being worked on are:

  • Off-Chain Live Chat Room.
  • DLive Streaming Alert Functionality.
  • "Gifting" Features.
  • "Make Requests to the Broadcaster" Features.
  • User Interface Upgrade.


DLive Operation Team

All Operations are overseen and lead by @redjepi (Admin) and @jimmylin but this Business Unit is broken up into 4 smaller teams.

Content Management Team

The Content Management Team is lead by @jimmylin, and consists of 3 members, @imjohnnymills, @cheaky, and @r3mr3m.

The primary focus of this team is to manually curate live streams and videos. The Content Management Team has committed to deliver a minimum of 120 upvotes per day.

In the month of March, the team delivered over 5500 upvotes to over 1000 unique users. For the month of April, even with the minor set back of not being able to vote for 5 days, the team has delivered over 3200 upvotes to over 950 unique users.

The Content Management Team is in the process of launching a community outreach program. The goal of this program is to help our users improve the quality of their live streams or videos and drive engagement. The team is working diligently to work out the details of this program and hope to launch it in the near future.

Community Operation Team

The Community Team lead is by @kassixo, and consists of 3 members, @clasicktv, @tidos, and @tidylive.

The primary focus of this team is to provide support to all the users of our platform. The quickest way to receive support would be through our Discord server, which is monitored 24/7. The team listens to all of the feedback provided and passes this information to the appropriate teams.

The Community Team is also behind the Help Center. Since the launch of the Help Center, we have responded to and closed over 90 tickets, while helping countless users on Discord. If you have not visited the Help Center, it is filled with informative articles and guides. The focus in these up-coming months is to publish new articles and add additional features to this site.

Marketing Team

The Marketing Team is lead by @seacactus, and consists of 2 members, @cheech-oz, and @mro.

The primary focus of this team is to make DLive's services as approachable as possible, while increasing the footprint of DLive. This is currently being done through Steemit, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and soon Reddit.

The Marketing Team is also responsible for the weekly Campaigns and developing the Media Kit for new and existing users to help brand their content correctly.

Business Development Team

The Business Development Team is lead by @travelgirl, consists of 2 members, @mehdibca, and @desolator.

The primary focus of this team is attracting users, not only from the Steem blockchain, but also from the outside, to utilize our live streaming and video platform.


A hot topic as of late, is the rewarding of our team members. We have read all the feedback in regards to this topic and have made changes to our team's rewards structure. The goal of our management team, is to keep the team rewards to 10% of total rewards through upvotes. DLive does not have a beneficiary reward. We truly feel this method benefits the users of our platform more than adding a beneficiary reward (10% - 25% of all rewards). As of April 19, 2018, have lowered the overall percentage reward for each team member. We will be watching this topic closely and post updates as needed.

Keep in mind that all development costs are financed by @wa7 directly.


We have seen Community Initiatives start up, which we think are fantastic, but we wanted to advise everyone that there are only 5 accounts that have been created and are managed by the DLive Team. These accounts are:



This concludes the first report of many.

DLive has been adored by many people, since day one we have had an overwhelming amount of support from volunteers, friends and people who have showed their support from a development standpoint. We can not thank everyone enough. We had a minor set back earlier in the month and the support and love during this hard time was unreal, we are truly honored to have all of you using our platform. If there is something that you would like to know or see, don't hesitate to leave a comment on this post and we hope to address it in a future report.

Thank You,
DLive Team

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