RE: RE: SteemSummer May 25, 26, 27 near Palm Beach, Florida, USA?
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RE: SteemSummer May 25, 26, 27 near Palm Beach, Florida, USA?

RE: SteemSummer May 25, 26, 27 near Palm Beach, Florida, USA?

wow. very disappointed you have not come to me to discuss this. one email would have been enough. The name SteemFest is reserved for SteemFest. You can not just take that, i hope you see that. Minimally you could have reached out.
+++ Edit @ Wed, 28 Feb 2018 14:36:03 GMT +++

Ok, obviously while this post was trending @jerrybanfield was sleeping. Just now we had a about it and the name for the event is changed to SteemJ. Thank you Jerry for renaming the event, I hope it will be a nice meetup event.

I hope you understand that I try to 'guard' the name SteemFest to keep the community informed and clear about when it happens, so people can save up some, and are not in doubt when & where to go to or having a FOMO. Since 2016 I've been working on SteemFest and gave it a lot of time (ask my gf - first edition lost 10 kilo's of weight), then with the help of the crew and with the trust of the community (including yourself) it came what it was to be. I studied Hotelschool and worked at events for over 15 years (including organising events in Detroit, USA) and this time invested makes me want to treat it as my baby. Quality assurance is important to me, and when I am ready to trust others with this, (not trying to be arrogant here), it will be announced, but up till then I like to set the standard for SteemFest.

To keep things special this is also why there is 'decent' time in between every edition. It's the same as with for example, I don't know, Burning Man (not comparing or whatever hahaha way different league). Of course that is a great event and one comes home: 'wow I wish it was already that time again'. But that doesn't mean there should be 5 Burning Man's every year. Giving something time to digest and make it special by having enough time in between editions helps with making the actual event 100% epic.

All in all it is just unfortunate that you had posted the event by using the name SteemFest. As the post got trending I felt I had to say something about it (see above, obviously my first reaction/emotions as I was quite mad) as people where reaching out and asking about it. Ofcourse that is not a great way to discover such a thing, hence my response. None-the-less my response was a 'reaction' on your 'action'.

Good luck with the event, unfortunately I will have just left USA 1 week prior to the end of May and juggling family life with conferences / events and all such cannot make me stay longer.

+++ End edit ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

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