Little Kobold's first walk in the Wildpark

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We've planned a week ago to go on foot through the forest and have lunch in the University's Mensa cafe and then going for a walk with our little princess in the wild park this Monday, because @jaki01 is free of work at this day.
At Monday there must be not so many visitors in the park so that we could take our time telling the little kobold about the animals and it's not gonna be so noisy.

She's able to walk now, so she's always very excited to be allowed to walk by herself.
And I must say that her endurance in walking is not so bad.
We had to go uphill, neverthless she was happily walking for quite a distance (surely she did't walk the whole way from home to the wild park, it's between 4-5 km perhaps, a bit too much for her cute little feet :-D ). But few hundred meters and going uphill is still not an easy feat for 1 year old infant who just learned how to walk.
Mommy is proud of you, little kobold <3!

Few days ago she walked by herself too with Mommy to go grocery shopping and it was nearly 1 km. It took much loooonger to reach the supermarket though LOL, but more because she took a stop occasionally whenever she saw something interesting on the way.
It was Ok actually, as long as it's not a trash, dog's pup nor cigarette butt.
Sadly to say, those things are the most common things she saw on the way and got her interest :-( .
I just have to annoy her again and again by forbidding her to touch those stuffs.

By the way the temperature today was higher than expected so that it wasn't very nice to walk on foot that long.
It was really hot and humid, even most of the animals were hiding.
It's getting too exertive for the little kobold too even if she's finally put on the stroller, so unfortunately I couldn't get many pictures from the animals to share here.
Next time we should keep in mind to first check on the temperature before deciding to go for a walk that far.
Now that there is a baby around, everything needs to be adjusted._

So these are the pictures:

Ok, that's it for today and see you again soon ;-)

My video is at DLive

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