Josef Rhodes :talks on: From (childhood) Fantasy > Romance > into True Love


I want to introduce myself and my work with you!
I am Josef Rhodes. I am a Holistic Health Practitioner from San Diego California. Been "practicing" health and healing for about 7 years. I have developed skills to help reflect for others to heal themselves! (With is the only way anyone can heal sustainably or for the healing to stay as a new pathway or the pain has shifted and won't be back or you experienced an Ah-Ha moment - if there IS a goal, it is this) "Healers" may have become skilled in moving energy - I can do this as well, but to truly HEAL is to shift neural pathways in the brain, backed by the nervous system within our personal body, composting the old material or story into a healthy upgraded perspective.

We don't know what we don't know, and I have learned that Some of these unconscious behaviors, are only detectable when mirrored in intimacy (into-me-eye-see). Or in sacred space with a trained practitioner such as myself. :neckbeard:

I want to help reflect the healing/new story with you! :globe_with_meridians: :mortar_board: :tada:

DM me or find me at my website and work (

My live stream is at DLive

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